Trump Tax Reform - a total squeeze on middle class W2 workers

Discussion in 'Economics' started by RedDuke, Nov 2, 2017.

  1. jj1111


    oof! I change my mind, let's discrimate against everyone!
    #21     Nov 2, 2017
  2. S2007S


    That was quick

    Democrats waste no time slamming 'catastrophic' GOP tax plan
    • Democrats took to Twitter, press conferences and the Senate chamber to sound off on the Republican tax reform proposal.
    • House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says the plan would be a "catastrophic transfer" of wealth to the rich.
    • Some critics have started using the hashtag #BillionairesFirst to describe the bill.
    #22     Nov 2, 2017

  3. I was in the Deep South and met people on Welfare who voted for Republicans and believed they were Jesus Christ. Can you explain why people on Welfare would vote against their interest? When did the South turn against Democrats, we all knew this Tax Reform would only benefit Trump's Buddies, anyone who thought Trump cared about anyone making $250k or less is stupid!
    #23     Nov 2, 2017
  4. tommcginnis


    When The South was "Democratic," it was a Democrat party that in no way resembles that of 2017.

    Now that The South is "Republican", I would remind you that the Republican Party of 2017 bears little resemblance to the Party of Lincoln, or of Roosevelt, or of Ike. (Or of Rockefeller, Rudman, or of etc etc etc.....)
    #24     Nov 2, 2017
    JesseJamesFinn1 likes this.

  5. Very true, why do they vote against their own interest? I know the almost identical to the old republicans with a few social programs thrown voters way instead of everything to the Military Industrial Complex
    #25     Nov 2, 2017
  6. zdreg


    his tax reform bill cannot help middle class people. the reason is that the green shade people in the high tax blue states are working overtime to recapture any reduction in the federal tax. the monies will be used for to pay for the pensions and salaries of local government workers.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2017
    #26     Nov 2, 2017
  7. zdreg


    everything is in the presentation. your post and the way Forbes presented it was all wrong and went down to defeat. people like the idea of a progressive tax. his original proposal was a $10,000 tax per person including children and then 20% on the excess with no deductions. it should have been presented as a progressive tax which it is. . e.g. a family husband and wife and three kids who make 50k would pay zero. their tax rate is zero. if they make 100k they would pay 10k in taxes. their tax rate is 10%. if they make 200k their tax is 30k or 15%. etc. until at some high level ie. bill gates it is 19.999%or 20%

    again it all in the presentation.
    #27     Nov 2, 2017
  8. sss12


    #28     Nov 2, 2017
    MoreLeverage likes this.
  9. Haze


    Middle class in California is well into the six figures. I tell ya, you can't live off less than around $200,000 in SF.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2017
    #29     Nov 2, 2017
  10. sss12


    True, but as we found out in the last election not everyone lives on the coasts.
    #30     Nov 2, 2017