Trump Should Appoint Special Counsel Per Executive Order

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jem, Nov 5, 2017.

  1. jem


    We see Establishment Republicans and Democrats hacks making up lines that Trump should not cross in terms of influencing the DOJ. Okay...

    But, I ask what happens if the DOJ and the FBI have already exhibited conflicts of interest in the matter which the Presidents knows needs to be investigated.

    As head of the executive branch Trump should do what lawyers due over and over in every part of govt.

    Create a conflicts panel and attach it to the DOJ as separate insulated branch. Then Trump or the conflicts panel can select a Special Prosecutor to investigate Uranium One, Emails and election interference. The conflicts panel can also determine if it needs to create an FBI conflicts panel as well.

    The special prosecutor can then present his findings to Congress or convene a grand jury or both.

    In terms of funding... he should just do whatever obama did for funding.. he can extract it from special interest groups. I would start with facebook and google and call it the Obama fund for voter's justice.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2017
  2. As I said earlier, congress has had special counsel laws off and on that had expiration dates. We are in an "off" period right now. But to your point, one of the earlier laws provided for special counsels to be requested by congress and then a three-judge appellate court would chose the special counsel and then the special counsel had the authority to prosecute or to refer to the justice department.

    Those are places where you can end out though, not necessarily where you should have to start. Congress always has the refer to just request that the AG appoint a special counsel under the AG stattue or as part of its administrative rules. Just like what just happened with Mueller. If they say yes then all sorts of legal problems are avoided because you are not forcing it on to anyone. But it gives the AG a little breathing room because he knows that he already has congress on his side because they are requesting it- versus their holding a bunch of hearings to defend his actions.
  3. jem


    I have zero confidence Congress would create a scenario designed to end in actual justice.
    The will give us months of hearings. Gowdy will make a few good points. Maybe a few others... and then they will do nothing.

    If lois learner and people in the IRS did not get prosecuted... you know those committees are rigged to do nothing in the end. Just sound bites for t.v. news during the hearings.

    We are tired of the bullshit.
    Trump should just do it.

    Call his best lawyers in the room and tell him he was its ready for the stroke of his pen in 7 days.

    Then have the pen in his hand, show the order during a conference and state Congress has 48 hours to appoint a special prosecutor or he signs it.

  4. Great Idea. Wish voters had more of a direct say in political decisions. Current technology makes this possible and may help the government better represent their constituents. Still would need to find a way to overcome "media interference" in trying to influence public opinion.
  5. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    Trump should add a Special Counsel to find Obamas real birth certificate while he's at it.
  6. jem


    I am glad you recognize that Obama took a default rather than producing his birth certificate in a Georgia Courtroom.

    But... I would prefer he looking into the Uranium One connection and Obama's sending billions of foreign currency to Iran in contravention of the law.

  7. Someday, the Russians may give us back our uranium. That would probably settle the debate once and for all!
  8. That uranium is probably in North Korea though.
  9. Pretty much true. But fear is a motivating factor for pussies sometimes. Although some of them become disabled by it. It's a roll of the dice.

    The republicans have been unwilling to go after various types because they are lazy or it does not impact their re-election or because they are rhinos who are okay with things or because they trust that eric holder will eventually "do the right type of thing" etc.

    However, there are republicans up for re-election- especially the house because (when are they not) who are afraid of going into an election where everything is about indictments on republicans and the dems have paid no price and are seen as the good guys (excuse, I just threw up in my mouth a little). They know that trump and his underlings are going to take hits but that an anti-republican environment will take them down. They also know though that any, and I mean any, attempt to even begin investigating the dems will level that playing field mighty quickly.

    They don't want to do any real work, we know that but if they can set some independent counselor in motion and just sit back and watch the dirt pour in on the democrats, it makes life a whole lot easier for them. Plus they have consituents who are demanding bigtime to know why everything is problems with the republicans and Hillary is getting a pass. Probably about one in maybe two or three thousand even knows who Lois Lerner is.

    I dunno. Just sayin, their track record is not good but consider it to be in the realm of possibility that they will appoint someone. Maybe that is just my little fanstasy. The basic republican has not changed and I agree with that. But the basic President has. And he is sending out signals that if you are republican and do not get your fingers out of your arse while he is taking a beating, that they may get primaried when they least expect it. They have never had to deal with that before. McCain and Lindsey Graham have always told them that they need to be bipartisan and acting like a dem is the best way to do that. Trump is getting pissed and someone is going to pay the price. Jeff Sessions may very well be home for the holidays. or something.

    I am placing odds of a special counselor for one of the dem issues being appointed at being about 44.6%. if nothing is being looked at in-house already.