Trump proposes marrying immigration and gun regulation

Discussion in 'Politics' started by UsualName, Aug 5, 2019.

  1. UsualName


  2. Cuddles


    What's the deal, we ship our guns to Central America and now immigrants don't come because they have bread?
  3. UsualName


    No. People often close their minds around what makes a deal but the truth is there are no rules.

    This kind of thinking is especially important for Republican politicians who want to pass meaningful gun regulations but cannot because of the NRA. If some immigration reforms were tied to universal background checks then that would give them the political cover they need to vote for gun regulation.
  4. The dems will never go along with any meaningful border controls. They will insist on things like making DACA permanent. Of course, they know there are lots of cuck republican Senators who desperately want to sell out their base on guns and immigration, so a deal is a real possibility.

    These nutcase rightwing shooters need to wake up and realize they are just handing the left victories. Now the media have decreed that opposition to illegal or third world immigration is "white nationalism" and must be ritually denounced by all republicans. And of course they have complied, led by Trump.
  5. UsualName


    You’re starting to remind me of Eeyore. Chin up.
  6. Even the daca thing is a ruse now. DACA covered/covers a specific time frame and people who are specifically registered. No one in their right mind thinks that there will not be a demand to cover the additional millions that have come in since the original daca regardless of who is and is not registered.

    It's all a shell game.
  7. UsualName


    The sun don’t shine, the sun don’t shine.
  8. In recent weeks, all or most of the dem candidates, have fallen all over each other to declare that they are opposed to the death penalty.

    And I hear it being reported over and over today that the government will seek the death penalty against the El Paso shooter.

    Yet I do not hear any of the dems piping up to say that they do not and will not support the death penalty for the shooter if found guilty. WHY IS THAT? NEVERMIND.

    I guess when "something happens to some people" that they care about it is different.
  9. So you support extra-judicial punishment of certain prisoners? Interesting.
  10. UsualName


    Well I live in the real world where street justice and government justice are two different things. A lot of you right wingers lost your street smarts or never had them to begin with.
    #10     Aug 5, 2019