Trump Plays Dangerous Game Of Chicken With Trade Tariffs

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tom B, Jun 3, 2018.

  1. Gotcha


    Totally agree with you there. I even remember an article about iPhones saying yes, Apple could build it in the US, but it wouldn't bring jobs because most of the production line would be automated.

    So in this case, perhaps you keep more money in the US, but will the general population see it, no! Did it create jobs, no! It really is only a matter of time until the huge disparity between the rich and the poor shows the grave consequences. Once the millennials figure out they have no future, and inherited a huge debt, then who knows what will happen. But Trump trying to bring back a few jobs isn't gonna make one bit of difference. Hence why I said the ship sailed long ago.
    #21     Jun 3, 2018
    vanzandt likes this.
  2. smallfil


    With huge advances in technology, I see a lot of the small electronic components that we outsource to China will eventually, be manufactured in the US. The difference would be it would be better! Robotics is changing a lot of things and time will come that those electrical components we use in our military jets will be manufactured here in the US! It will be better quality and cheaper because robots will make them! A trade war is not imminent and this is more about posturing for political consumption in their countries. They have to save face and make it seem that President Trump did not just roll them over in trade negotiations. After that, they can say, we tried to strike a hard bargain but, this is the best deal we can ever hope to get and benefits our country. End of discussion.
    #22     Jun 3, 2018
    vanzandt likes this.
  3. Gotcha


    Yes, but as I say above, this will do nothing for jobs or most people. We are comparing to the 50s and 60s where everything was made in the US, and factory workers got paid well, and they could go out and buy houses and cars, etc.

    Now, even if you make this stuff here, the money still doesn't go to the people. But what you did do is piss of everyone else. If you say its only posturing, I say that the national debt is only posturing as well. Everything is only a problem once everyone things its a problem, and this can happen very quickly. Perhaps the trade wars isn't going to be deep, but if you start a fight, and everyone one walks away, you do have a problem.

    Now I don't expect this to happen, as I expect Trump to just change his mind yet again, but just like another story about the boy who cried wolf, it doesn't end well in this case either. Countries are getting tired of Trump posturing and threatening.
    #23     Jun 3, 2018
  4. smallfil


    New jobs are being created every day in the US and it is not the traditional jobs you usually look for but, more specialized jobs in the technology sector. That is actually, better because it is higher paying jobs. Millenials have themselves to blame when they take courses like Sociology because it is easy but, have no real job prospects when the demand has been there in technology. Those who take up computer science, engineering, sciences will do quite well because there will always be demand for their services. The same can be said for the medical field although, I would not recommend one be a doctor for the simple reason of the high cost of malpractice insurance. Being a nurse would be better.
    #24     Jun 3, 2018
  5. clacy


    Exactly. Robotics, AI, 3D printing, etc are game changers. Globalism and trade will go through a paradigm shift.
    #25     Jun 3, 2018
    vanzandt likes this.
  6. Gotcha


    Well, although millennials are to blame for some things, I would say not all. They are after all the product of corporate America and have been dumbed down by failed elders. You can blame facebook all you want for fake news, but why on earth are they getting news from facebook to being with? Corporate America owns the politicians and they have in turn failed the youth. Nobody is regulating all the tech stuff these days, and its the tech stuff that is very much responsible for all the crap that is going down.

    Also, its not as easy these days to get anywhere. Seriously, in the 50's and 60's, you finish highschool, get a job, work your way up, and retire. One job was enough so your wife got to stay home and nobody was saddled down by crushing debt. The world is much different now, and where the opportunity is is really hard to see, and is only apparent in the rear view mirror when its too late.
    #26     Jun 3, 2018
    syntaxfx likes this.
  7. syntaxfx


    Now that other countries are busy developing new trade relationships that don't include the USA, isn't there a danger that if this goes too long, they'll go and take the bulk of their business elsewhere?

    The US is no longer the only game in town and if they push their friends and allies away without regard for these things, Europe, Asia and the South Pacific may well set up deals that mean the US isn't needed.
    There's already the TPP and Australia is setting up a free trade deal with the EU and a bilateral deal with the UK. China is working to set up deals into Europe and in the Pacific with its One Belt One Road program. Canada and Mexico are in the TPP and are talking with the EU.

    DJT's approach is fine when the other guy has nowhere else to go, but is that still the case here?
    #27     Jun 4, 2018
    schweiz likes this.
  8. Please don't make me laugh like that.
    You think europe is going to make a deal with china that is going to destroy their own industry?
    Europe is already shit scared right now that the production of steel and aluminum will be dumped into europe destroying jobs in europe, so they are looking to block this soon.

    just like they did with plenty of industries that the left press is not informing you about, bicycles, socks etc, yes i'm not kidding europe had to impose a 50 to 100% import tax on them because these induestries died off overnight because of china dumping.

    this is all about trade deficit, the usa is the winner in this trade war, not china or europe
    #28     Jun 4, 2018
  9. d08


    Jobs need to be there because you're doing something better than others. In fact keeping jobs artificially around via taxes and tariffs is what socialists would do and that's how zombie corporations dependent on government aid are born. This is why the employees of Google, Facebook or Tesla wouldn't agree with this garbage because they're actually competing in the real economy.
    I'm for whoever makes the best product at the best price. That's capitalism. Not protecting your market via tariffs.
    Most of the Chinese is junk but the price is ridiculously low. China makes plenty of high end stuff nowadays, where are the much loved Apple products made?

    If globalism is done, then so is the dollar and by extension so is the US. Nothing wrong with returning to a more simpler but poorer time I suppose. Better get a horse and plow working soon, your dream might realize soon.
    #29     Jun 4, 2018
  10. schweiz


    Your profile says you are in NYC...are you a liar?

    Can you document your examples, as they seem to me completely fake.

    95% of the GDP ONLY DONE IN THE USA??? Have you any idea of the money generated outside of the US for: Apple, Microsoft, Mc Donalds, Boeing, Oracle, Starbucks, Pizza Hut, Domino's, IBM, Cisco, HP, Google, Facebook, Snapchat, Amazon and thousands of other companies?
    #30     Jun 4, 2018