Trump: "Our stupid leaders"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Savant, Apr 19, 2011.

  1. I disagree. I think this will be the single most popular thing he will say.

    His point was not that we should go around like a bunch of looters, but that we have spent $1.5 trillion to liberate iraq, which has the world's second largest oil suppiles, yet we are expected to pay for not only the military part but also a lot of reconstruction there. It makes no sense whatsoever. I said at the time we should take control oftheir oil fields, take a cut to pay for our expenses and manage the rest repsonsibly for them. Instead, the idiot Bush handed it all over ot a bunch of corrupt iraqi thugs, giving htme leverage we should have retained.

    And who gives a flip about what the rest of the world thinks? They have proven in Libya they can't wipe their butts without our help. I think it's past time to rethink the entire multilateral/UN/WTO/G20 system. Trump is a bottom line guy who will pursue our interests, not try to win accolades from the State Department.
    #31     Apr 19, 2011
  2. achilles28


    I've been keeping tabs on you. :D

    You mentioned serving in Vietnam and guessed. Ya, I have dual citizenship but live in Canada, mostly. Friends and family are here. Ya, we're hardcore left. Our debt isn't quite as perilous, but our economy is hugely reliant on exports to the US. So when that ship sails, so will we, eventually. The commune is a pipe dream. I don't think anyone is getting out with their shirts on. Hear about the North American "security perimeter" Odumbo and Harper were just in secret talks about? Seems they're lashing our ships together, quite nicely. I wouldn't mind buying a farm in northern ontario, even just to get quality food. but when the day comes, i don't think i'll be anymore safe here than i would be in america. i think a better idea is to buy some coastal farmland in south or central america. very rural, with lots of guns.
    #32     Apr 19, 2011
  3. achilles28


    How about parking it all offshore and registering it with the IRS. Then, when the time comes, take the slow boat to china
    #33     Apr 19, 2011
  4. Hello


    I watched both the Hannity, and Oreilly interviews, and i thought i remembered him saying something along the lines of "It used to be that when empires invaded countries they took what was there." This was how i came to interpret that he wants us to loot the oil. My description was not based on some leftists interpretation of it. But I will go over it again after the open aand get back to you.

    #34     Apr 19, 2011
  5. Savant


    So, specifically, what are you guys' projections in the worst case scenario. The 'worst case scenario' being that Obama gets reelected , China is ignored, the border remains mostly porous, nothing is dont about illegals, stupid spending continues with meaningless platitude 'austerity' measures to placate congress, so on, so forth. Throw in the possibility of some amnesty effort, yada yada... So, if that basic scenario transpires, what do you guys see as actually transpiring? What do these quasi apocalyptic projections consist of?
    #35     Apr 19, 2011
  6. I served in the Air Force on Okinawa and Taiwan during Vietnam... never was in country. From Kadena, Okinawa... we sent B-52 bombers and recon planes over Vitenam. The first day I was on Okinawa, I saw an SR-71 and a U2 in flight and landing on the base.

    Had guns as a kid. Used to practice shooting postage stamps as targets. Unfortunately for the local birds, I was a good shot.

    In HS, we had a rifle team. Shot .22s... the "10-ring" was the same size as the .22 bullet... smaller than an aspirin. Everybody on the team could regularly shoot nearly 100 on 10 targets except for the standing/off-hand position.

    One summer our team got to fire on the Ft. Carson Army range with M-14. The recoil kept jacking the end of the receiver up into my lip. Swollen and bloody (well, bleeding a bit) by the end, but I wasn't letting that deter me from trying to make an Expert Marksman qualification at ranges up to and including 400 yards.... same as the regular Army qualification.
    #36     Apr 19, 2011
  7. pspr


    #37     Apr 19, 2011
  8. Of course there are more Odumbo supporters... each expecting something for free from him... than those who understand the pain and cost of reform necessary to save the country...

    The 2012 election likely will come down to voters who say, "we don't care about risks to the country or our future... we want some free money"... all of which, Odumbo is campaigning upon.

    There are already enough of those parasitic, tit-sucking leaches to win the election for Odumbo, regardless of the risk and outlook for our future.

    #38     Apr 19, 2011
  9. pspr


    I guess, to put that poll in context, there have been polls showing many of the other Republican candidates defeating Odumbo. The fact that the poll with Trump shows the opposite and he has the name recognition is not a good sign for Trump.
    #39     Apr 19, 2011
  10. I wouldn't particularly care for a Trump presidency... but who else is at least TALKING LIKE HE HAS A PAIR?

    Where's the next Andrew Jackson? We desperately need him... NOW!
    #40     Apr 19, 2011