Trump issue weak warning to boycott debates if Fox doesn't curve their coverage

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Cuddles, Aug 20, 2019.

  1. Cuddles


    Trumplethinskin: "Why won't they give me the polls I want"

  2. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Totally ridiculous for a President to be even talking about this stuff, but I think this is what makes Trump who he is. He doesn't see it as a President giving direction, he sees it as a personal opinion, and his ego tells him that his opinion is more important than others. Its really that simple. But folks on the left (and even some on the right) go insane over this stuff, thinking "how could a President say such things?"

    He's just a guy from the street, will always be a guy from the street. The mistake is taking his commentary to mean anything more than that. In fact he even catches himself when the reporter asks him: "Nah, look they have to run it how they think they need to run it". He's not telling Fox that the have to change. He's just stating a personal opinion - which he loves to do.

    And my personal opinion is that it makes him look less Presidential to get into this in the first place. But he's not going to change.

    Please give us someone acceptable as an alternative.
  3. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

  4. Cuddles


    Or as someone from the street, he's saying "such a pretty shop you got here, it'd be a shame if anything happened to it". Or "I hope you can let this Russia thing with Flynn go"
  5. Trump needs to accept the fact that there are a lot of democrats watching Fox now so Fox is going to continue to pack in more lefties to be fair and balanced. Of course, the democrats need to accept the fact that there are a lot of democrats watching Fox now too.
  6. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    You need to start charging Trump rent for all the time he occupies in your head.

    Anyone who understands Trump and the type of character he is knows this is just bluster. I agree he shouldn't be saying it, but he's trolling all of you.
    elderado likes this.
  7. Cuddles


    Clearly you don't; the guy's a wannabe thug that demands loyalty. Or was him welching on countless contractors and using the Justice system as a cudgel just "bluster"?

    FWIW, Mueller didn't
  8. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Whatever. Just make sure to bill the White House. I'm sure you could find more useful time to spend with your life besides shouting at the rain day in and day out, but who knows? Maybe I over priced this particular real estate.
  9. He is swinging wildly now while sweating like a pig , he is even insulting his own supporters at rallies. Begging people to vote for him.

  10. vanzandt


    #10     Aug 20, 2019
    Tsing Tao likes this.