True long-term career success depends on this most underrated aspect of talent

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Chuck Krug, Oct 10, 2019.

  1. True long-term career success depends on this most underrated aspect of talent

    It explains why some people are much better able to resist temptations and make short-term sacrifices to pursue more meaningful long-term goals.

    Twenty years ago, McKinsey predicted that the success of organizations would primarily depend on their ability to identify, develop, and retain top talent. Those employees are responsible for most of their employer’s productivity, revenues, profits, etc., and are therefore also the key to outperforming their competitors.

    Today, few companies would disagree. There is also ample scientific evidence that in any workgroup or team, a small but vital number of people have a disproportionately high impact on that unit’s performance and success.
    zhaoyun, dealmaker and fan27 like this.