Trouble sleeping

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by cashmoney69, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. nkhoi


    be careful, you sound exactly like him
    #31     Oct 25, 2006
  2. eagle


    Insomnia and anorexia is a vicious circle. Insomnia results in anorexia and anorexia results in insomnia. One way to overcome this problem is to start fixing eating problem by doing a physical activity that will make hungry then a well eating could result in a better sleeping.
    #32     Oct 25, 2006
  3. I sometimes have a similar problem since I began this trading adventure :) . I think it is a combination of things.

    1. Lack of exercise-sitting on ass all day
    2. High stress
    3. Doing something you really love/enjoy stimulates your brain alot all day. It's hard to stop think about it.

    I do take a sleeping pill almost every night, trying to stop though. I force myself to the gym atleast 3 times or more a week. I force myself to get off the computer 2 hours before bed. It's almost time now:D I would suggest trying to exercise first thing in the morning. It's really good for you, get the circulation going which helps your thinking and reactions for day trading. If I lived in an Eastern time zone I would work out before every trading session. By night you will be tired. Cut out the caffeine. There has been alot written on this already. Check the search.
    #33     Oct 25, 2006
  4. ken__0


    if your a true active trader the simplest answer is to stop holding overnight positions, however i think this is not your case, so drink yourself to sleep, take a pill ,go to bed earlier, do what you have to do.
    #34     Oct 25, 2006
  5. :confused: Were you referring to me or Cash? I don't hold any positions overnight, in fact I am out of most of them in 15 minutes or less.
    #35     Oct 25, 2006

  6. firstly don't worry too much if you can't force yourself to sleep esp. if you're in your teen, it's kind of normal, but don't force urself to stay awake when you're tired. I recently read a medical journal that said forcing urself to bed is actually bed, so sleep whenever u are actually tired. and AVOIDE sleeping pills. I don't recommend anyone to take sleeping pills.

    another thing: lack of light. when u wake up you need to see bright light, have u heard of SAD? if u don't get enough sun light or day lights and stay in all the time, your body's clock loses it order, and that not only influences ur sleeping habit, but can cause depression and tired mind. recent studies have shown the amount of light that ur eye is exposed to can do alot of things - so if you have bright light in ur room at 1am you surely won't be able to sleep and if u avoide daylight you're body gets used to being awake at 1am if u get what i mean. once u start seeing enough light esp. sun light or replication of sun light - SAD lights for instance or solux lights esp when u wake up your body's clock will start getting back to normal.

    best way to sleep is to darken ur room as much as u can, no lights whatsoever and no sound too. but once u wake up immediate have bright light and sound. sleeping is not in ur hand and is controlled by ur body which forms its own habits.

    about how much to sleep: people scream about minimum 7, 8 hours a day. that's bollox. a recent study showed people who sleep around 5 hours a day are not only healthier much earn alot more too than others. point is there is no specific amount of time u gotta sleep as long as ur body is used to it and u don't feel tired.

    drinking milk etc. warm milk right before bed time can help sleeping. avoide tea coffee, chocolates or too much excercise before bed.

    also i don't recommend asking unqualified people questions regarding health - esp. on elite. do ur own research, see your doctor.
    #36     Oct 26, 2006
  7. im not sure how old you are, but again I warn everyone, no matter what, do not take sleeping pills. if you're not bothered to research why, at least google sleeping pills. millions of americans r on sleepin pills. for me it's only acceptable if its very urgent and only for a short period of time not indefinately.
    #37     Oct 26, 2006
  8. I agree I am weaning myself off of them, as honestly I have become addicted to them. I tried them all. Tonight I gave lunesta a god. Got get of the computer keeps my mind stimulated, need to mellow out now. I wish my sound soother could download mp3's somafm's drone zone is awesome for relaxation.
    #38     Oct 26, 2006
  9. being addicted to trading is bad enough; I believe it should never come at the cost of chemical addiction... money comes and goes, but your health just goes.

    PS... my natural gas short today prompted some sake with dinner. (and i'm not much of a drinker)

    I agree with the comments about overleverage. its something i'm still struggling with -- my overleveraged trades are the only ones that prompt me to lose sleep.

    Also if you are obsessed with your positions to this point, it pays to practice pulling yourself away from watching them all hours --- like all temptations, work to resist it. The minute you feel the urge to check, realize that it is a bad habit and don't check. Slowly but surely, you'll become less attached.

    I couldn't imagine trading while in school - it requires full concentration and that could make it difficult.
    #39     Oct 26, 2006
  10. I was just listening to It 's really soothing the drone zone. How do I download mp3's and what would be the best way to do this ? The new sharper image sound soother supports mp3, but I don't have a clue. I don't even own an IPOD :D This great way to unwind the night, the drone zone, love it! :D Now only if I had a vicadin I really would be in the clouds, just kidding! :p
    #40     Oct 26, 2006