Trouble sleeping :(

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Kastro_316, Jan 13, 2006.

  1. kww


    #21     Jan 13, 2006
  2. I used to sleep like a baby. But now as I'm getting older and have lots of joint pain, I usually wake up after about 4 or 5 hours sleep and have a very hard time getting back to sleep.

    So, I go to sleep very easily and quickly, but wake up and can't get back to sleep. Any suggestions for that?


    #22     Jan 13, 2006
  3. Thanks bud! I will try it out this week...

    #23     Jan 13, 2006
  4. The key to sleeping well is not going to bed with a loaded gun.

    #24     Jan 13, 2006
  5. u130747


    I don't have any guns in the house!!!! So what is my problem?

    #25     Jan 13, 2006
  6. kastro- do you work out just before bed? i find it keeps me awake if i do it too late. do you take any vitamins with the shake? anyway some natural type of sleep help i sometimes use is:st.johns wart,5-htp and calcium/magnesium.
    #26     Jan 13, 2006
  7. kww



    That happens to me sometimes, too. My fiancee wakes up around 3:00 or 4:00 every night then tosses and turns for a couple of hours, worrying about things. I really think meditation would help her disconnect from her anxious thinking, but I can't get her to try it. A lot of people just aren't intersted, and that's fine.

    If it's the joint pain that's keeping you awake, you might consider taking a painkiller before you go to bed, though personally I'd hate to have to do that every night. If you just feel wide awake, meditation might help (I don't want to sound like it's a cure-all).

    When I was younger I had a lot of trouble getting to sleep. Over the years, I've compiled a personal list of things that promote sleep and things that make it more difficult. I know that to sleep well I need to exercise, avoid caffeine in the evening, avoid sleeping too late on weekends, etc. You might review these kinds of things to see if you can make an adjustment that will help.

    #27     Jan 13, 2006
  8. bdon


    I definitely think exercise helps. Its helps me unwind the pent up anger or joy from the trading day and then I can fall asleep much easier at night.

    I sprained my ankle this summer and couldn't hit the gym for a while. I was having all sorts of trouble sleeping. So I started reading some technical analysis books, no problem falling asleep then:D .
    #28     Jan 13, 2006
  9. I agree with alot of these posts.

    I have been taking 1 Tylenol PM to get to sleep for a few weeks, guess what, now I almost have to take them. I am going to ween myself off by taking half a pill then no pill.

    Calcium/Magnesium works from my experience so does mediation.

    Working out first thing in the morning leaves you tired at night, a good thing. When I traveled to Europe last summer we walked 3-4 miles a day, I slept like a baby every night for 8 hours easy/

    Cut back/out the caffeine. Switch from coffee to green tea and then stop the green tea as it isn't addicting like coffee.

    Get on a normal sleep schedule. Your body has an internal clock you just need to set it and follow it. Last night I stayed up til 12AM bad, woke up a 7 AM tired, but didn't let myself sleep in and take the day off because if I had I would be up till 12 AM again tonight.

    Remember we trade so we sit at a desk and need to exercise outside of our desk jobs.
    #29     Jan 13, 2006
  10. maxpi


    I spent some $ on the bed in recent years, all very good btw. 1)King's Down mattress 2) Magnetic mattress pad between the box spring and mattress, make sure it is north facing up 3) Visco Elastic foam pad on top of the mattress, cover it with a thick pad because it is a heat sink.

    I quit coffee 3 weeks ago, now I have slowed down a lot but I am actually getting more done and I never am awake more than about 2 minutes after I hit the hay.

    Work out, if you are thin do resistance exercises, if overweight do aerobics. I am lifting the weights and building strength, once your body gets used to that you will sleep better.

    Every evening soak your feet or take a bath in Epsom Salts, the body cannot get enough magnesuim orally sometimes but you can soak it through your skin and it goes into your blood stream and gets distributed to every cell in the body. Many people are deficient in this very essential mineral. It is dangerous to supplement it orally because it kills off your pro biotics in your gut but through the skin, or injected, it has no down side. The magnesium is a relaxant and a sleep aid par excellance and over time can cure serious depression, or so I have read. If you have soft tissue pain, joint pain from normal wear and tear, take hyaluronic acid, it is the best thing I ever found for soft tissue injuries and it fixes up bursitis and neuralgia in a matter of 4 to 6 weeks. Take a good daily supplement and eat veggies and frut a lot.

    Happy trading.
    #30     Jan 13, 2006