Troll: Wael012000

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TraderZone, Feb 26, 2008.

  1. this thread is about making fun of doodoo and his nerdiness. please stay on topic. geezzzz:D
    #21     Feb 26, 2008
  2. So where were we?? Oh Yeah! Can I change my mind and pick the village people wannabe boy with white T-shirt and matching sun glasses???:D
    #22     Feb 26, 2008
  3. NO!!! you get the little pube on the far left with the pointy hat.
    #23     Feb 26, 2008
  4. DerekD


    They each on occasion make fair points. But they don't handle being wrong, corrected, or shown where they erred very well.

    The only other problem is that they think that their post count is a measure of prominence, value, or credibility. Mostly it means they have significantly more free time than others.
    #24     Feb 26, 2008
  5. You are mixing up between us and dddooo's friends. I personally never cared about counts as much as I care about exposing the truth.
    #25     Feb 26, 2008
  6. if i could change mine, i would change it to 88 just to piss off dodo bird.
    #26     Feb 26, 2008
  7. TraderZone

    TraderZone Guest

    Just added up the NEXT previous posts by WAELer (approx 12/27 to mid October 07):

    249 in Politics&Religion

    1 in Eurex

    The Zionizer Bunny - STILL GOING!!!!!

    #27     Feb 26, 2008
  8. Why? whats up with 88?
    #28     Feb 26, 2008
  9. They each on occasion make fair points.
    Well, everyone occasionally makes fair points. I am sure Hitler and Stalin occasionally made fair points too, Too bad it's not good enough given that they are absolutely dead wrong on most issues and repeatedly fail to see the big picture.

    The only other problem is that they think that their post count is a measure of prominence, value, or credibility.
    I doubt that's what they think. I am pretty sure they actually think that if they repeat the same nonsense often enough readers will actually start confusing it with the reality. Rat goes from thread to thread blubbering about CFR and oligarchs, Wael whines about zinonism day and night and tries to turn every unrelated thread (besides those thousands that he starts) into Israel bashfest. In fact it's not a bad technique (I mean repetition) to brainwash people when implemented by pros like Goebbels. Of course when it's attempted by anonymous cretins on internet forums it not only does not work but usually backfires and pretty quickly shows them for the fools and ignoramuses that they actually are.
    #29     Feb 26, 2008