Treyvon Martin issue is starting to irritate the hell out of me

Discussion in 'Politics' started by IShopAtPublix, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. What do you think would have happened if he started to RUN from him? :eek: Do you think the pursuer would have said "oh he's surely innocent, he's running away"?
    #41     Mar 23, 2012
  2. He did run away
    #42     Mar 23, 2012
  3. If he called the police while running away? Nothing. He would have ran away and Zimmerman would have been arrested. OR Zimmerman would have gotten a call from police telling him the person he is following called the police himself.
    #43     Mar 23, 2012
  4. pspr


    Not only that, it turns out Zimmerman has black members in his family.
    #44     Mar 23, 2012
  5. He turned around and confronted the guy. Do you think a teenager athlete or some 28 year old (possibly overweight) guy would run faster?
    #45     Mar 23, 2012
  6. As it stands, He did attempt to get away quickly, and he was overtaken . It didn't work.

    Not so easy to lose someone that's hell bent on reaching you.
    #46     Mar 23, 2012
  7. pspr


    That's one version. The other is that Zimmerman got out of his SUV and was blindsided by the 18 year old. Witnesses say they only saw Zimmerman on the ground. Your rush to judgement is out of line.
    #47     Mar 23, 2012
  8. The hard reality is that the kid did not feel threatened by zimmerman. The girlfriend tells the kid to run away, he said "no, I will just walk faster". You know why he did that? He did that because he thought he could take zimmerman and that was a fatal assumption.

    Who do you think is more likely to be the instigator of a fight, the person who calls 911 in advance or the person who does not and instead of running away, runs INTO a confrontation. You could try to make a case that zimmerman was a vigilante but he was risking his own life too while pursuing a black male in a hoodie at night in a bad neighborhood.

    It was a major unforced error on behalf of obama to say that if he had a son he would like treyvon. Obama does not need to cultivate the black vote he already has it, but this will undoubtedly poison him somewhat in the minds of white voters. (that facebook picture is not something i would want in a son)
    #48     Mar 23, 2012
  9. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This is quote from your link above pspr.

    "At no time did George follow or confront Mr. Martin. When the true details of the event became public, and I hope that will be soon," the letter said, "everyone should be outraged by the treatment of George Zimmerman in the media."

    And this is 911 call FACT.

    "The 911 tapes strongly suggest Zimmerman overstepped his bounds, they say, when the Sanford neighborhood crime-watch captain said he was following Trayvon and appeared to ignore a police request to stay away.

    “The guy lost his defense right then,” said Peaden. “When he said ‘I’m following him,’ he lost his defense.”

    Read more here:
    #49     Mar 23, 2012
  10. He walked faster attempting to place distance b/w himself and his pursuer, that's not the action of someone instigating a confrontation. That's the action of someone wishing to AVOID an incident. Regardless of HIS decision under those circumstances to "walk fast" rather than "run".
    Zimmerman was out pacing him obviously looking for a confrontation. Calling 911 does not produce instant law enforcement. Could be 20 mins before an officer shows. Could be an hour!

    It's not against the law to walk NOT to run away when you have a perfect legal right to there.

    It's not against the law not to feel threatened by someone.

    Do YOU have a right to walk down your street without being stalked, harassed, intimidated or impeded by another?
    #50     Mar 23, 2012