Transgendered Student

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ShoeshineBoy, Feb 8, 2008.

  1. Now I understand who all these weirdos who are voting for Hillary.
    #21     Feb 9, 2008
  2. And a fag a fag??
    #22     Feb 9, 2008
  3. Wael, we don't agree on politics much at all, but I certainly agree with you on this subject.

    I was very ignorant on this issue, as many posters are revealing themselves to be here, until very recently when a cousin came out to the family and announced that he, in his 30's, is going to "transition" into a woman.

    He has been married for 12 years and loves his wife dearly.

    He was a jock all his life and excelled in volleyball and tennis especially. As it turns out, he became as athletic as possible in order to better hide his inner turmoil. He figured that by being as masculine as possible, he would be able to disguise what was going on to the world.

    He was right. His entire family and relatives, including myself, had no idea whatsoever of the pain he was living with.

    He said he realized when he was very young, as a child, that he felt he should have been born a girl. He hid this for most of his life, until very recently when he realized that he was so sick and frustrated of hiding who he was that it was either kill himself or make the transition.

    So his wife supports him in this decision and he is going to have a sex change this summer.

    Since this revelation I have seen a few documentaries about this subject, and in each one the subjects have revealed that they felt from a very young age, as children, that they were girls who had been born into a boy's body.

    So I wouldn't be so quick to jump to the conclusion that this is a just a confused kid who needs to be disciplined by the parents.
    #23     Feb 10, 2008
  4. I used to run into a guy on gigs, a sax player, who I later found out was gay. This guy is probably the straightest-acting gay guy on the planet, even in a world (the arts) where if he were to be openly gay, he could probably still work.

    So I found out this guy was gay and one day we were sitting around waiting for something, soundcheck or something. Talk somehow turned to the subject of marriage and at one point he says something about his partner 'Rob'. So I respond neutrally, I didn't want him to know that I actually knew that he was gay in case it made him feel awkward or whatever (as I said this guy was completely straight acting). So then he kind of smiles and says 'Hmmm, that kind of slipped out, did you know I live with a guy'? So I said yes, and then there was no tension.

    Point of the story is this. We started talking about it and I said at one point 'You know, ________, it's not like I think I can tell if a guy is gay just by looking at him, but I never in a million years would have guessed you're gay'. Then he told me that he had known he was gay from the time he was...wait for it... 6 years old.

    Now this is a very calm, reserved, non-bullshit, non-dramatic kind of guy. He just looked me straight in the eye and said 'I have known since I was 6'.

    And that's that. These people who think that homosexuality is a 'disease' or a 'learned behaviour' are either just totally misinformed or more likely unable to accept the facts.

    By the way, it's cool to see guys like Hap on here who might be on the right politically but still have the compassion and common sense to be able to look at this topic objectively and not jump to the obvious conclusion.
    #24     Feb 10, 2008
  5. you bash me plenty on many different topics. dont get your huggies all in a bunch .. lighten up.

    seriously... i don't judge people on sexual identities. my personal opinion is that most are born with this preference. some are definitely trying it on for the wrong reasons. but it is none of my business. i really do mean it when i say live and let live.

    i do object when it is shoved on us as "social engineering." i wouldnt want the schools to try to educate my kids on the topic. its not their place.
    #25     Feb 10, 2008
  6. As a rule of thumb, never allow the body to dictate who you are,
    what to think, or how to feel.
    This will empower your mind.
    Otherwise, you will weaken your awareness of the mind's power.
    The mind invents gender as a self-concept.
    The mind makes the body and assigns gender per incarnational cycle.
    To take orders from the body would be to denigrate the power of the mind.
    Spirit is true identity.
    It is neither male nor female.
    Gender is a type of cross-dressing.
    Mind serving Spirit is free.
    Mind serving flesh is bogged down.
    All flesh is a farce, both comic and tragic.
    Never take it too seriously.
    Flesh is a mind-level phenomenon.
    Flesh is a mind-trick for an ignorance initiated experience.

    #26     Feb 10, 2008
  7. hughb


    Jesus, I'm hooked on booze and benadryl. And it's all your fault. You suck.

    I'm just kidding, you don't suck. But I sure would like to kick the booze and pills habit.

    Naw, you really do suck.

    No you don't. You're alreight. You seem to care about dumbasses like me who can't get their shit together.

    Can I go to bed now? I'm kindo fo wasted.
    #27     Feb 10, 2008
  8. Ha, 2nd grade boy thinks he is a girl.

    Our school has made absolutley no accomdations for my 2nd grade son who thinks he is a rabbit. He prefers to relieve himself "outdoors" and is constantly reprimanded for having a carrot in his mouth during class and acts like he is smoking a cigar. Oh, btw, further proof he is a rabbit is that he hops alot.

    Our son is quite a special rabbit, he can read and write small words and talks. How many rabbits can do that? "He" has made it quite clear to me that he wants to be a rabbit the rest of his life. I feel if he is made to "conform" to standards of society his self esteem will be damaged for the rest of his life.
    #28     Feb 10, 2008
  9. Nik, I don't subscribe at all to the notion that being on the right or left is a measure of your compassion or common sense.

    There are idiots and heartless motherfuckers on both sides of the aisle, my friend. History has decisively proven it to be so.
    #29     Feb 10, 2008
  10. Agreed, hap. That sort of came out wrong. What I meant was that there are issues that seem to automatically cloud up the thinking of those on the right, and other issues that automatically cloud up the thinking of those on the left. I'm an optimist so I believe that this is a result of honestly held beliefs and a sense of what is right and wrong.

    What is nice is when someone on the right can see through an issue that might at first blush seem to be one that would cloud up their thinking or produce a knee-jerk reaction. Same thing on the left.

    I value most highly those who can step away from their assumptions and examine the facts. It's a very hard thing to do. Actually, being around here has forced me to do it, especially with regard to those I have come to regard as the left wing moonbats.
    #30     Feb 10, 2008