Transferred USDT to Coinbase and it's now lost!

Discussion in 'Crypto Assets' started by pavelonthefire, Jun 21, 2022.

  1. Trader Curt

    Trader Curt

    That's right. It way beyond your comprehension, so just stick with something easy that a dummy can figure out, USD
    #41     Jun 22, 2022
    The_Krakenite and johnarb like this.
  2. Identical responses to the bicycle, light bulb, horseless carriage, dialup modems, computer mice, Internet, e-commerce, etc. I'm sure you feel confident crypto is entirely different. That was a very common feeling about all those other things too.

    Engineers who really understand blockchain generally have a different attitude. We can't predict the future nearly as easily as those ignorant of blockchain believe they can.
    #42     Jun 22, 2022
  3. No one felt that way about most of those things. Crypto absolutely has value as a permissionless payment mechanism. But that's it. It's one of those things that only has value if the world implodes, at which point you really have no use for it.
    #43     Jun 22, 2022
    Nobert likes this.
  4. They absolutely did. Go do some reading. I lived through the introduction of the computer mouse and modem into the office. It was laughed at as a gimmick and entertainment device.

    Crypto is far more than just a payment system. Smart contracts are revolutionary technology similar to the Internet. I guess because people started calling it "crypto currency" people equate it to dollars or something. There's no marketing department for new engineering concepts. Takes work to figure this stuff out.
    #44     Jun 22, 2022
    johnarb likes this.
  5. I also agree about smart contracts being useful. Still, that is a fixed value, it isn't "to the moon" value because creating another one is easy. I would liken it to Facebook. One of them 'wins' for a bit, then loses and then it equalizes.
    #45     Jun 22, 2022
  6. Facebook stock



    #46     Jun 22, 2022
  7. Sprout


    self-sovereignty can be a hard mistress
    #47     Jun 22, 2022
    johnarb likes this.
  8. I'm an engineer, I understand the Blockchain and Bitcoin is doomed.
    Issues like this thread are exactly why.

    Instantaneous unrevocable transfers are great if you're a heroin dealer or kidnapper, not so much if you're just a run of the mill person trying to accomplish a normal financial transaction.

    Bitcoin is going to go the way of Netscape navigator.
    #48     Jun 22, 2022
  9. Trader Curt

    Trader Curt

    Yeah but that's just your opinion. Which doesn't make any difference. And just because your an "engineer" doesn't mean that you know the future better than anyone else. In fact it makes you look pathetic for even thinking you are somehow better at predicting the future than everyone by calling yourself an "engineer" to make yourself look good. It's actually pretty comical.
    #49     Jun 22, 2022
    NoahA and johnarb like this.

  10. better sooner than later before more damage is done
    #50     Jun 22, 2022