Transcendental Meditation

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by bearmountain, Nov 28, 2010.

  1. +1

    As many others have said, I find the key is to practice regularly. If boredom is impeding regular practice, then its best to vary the practice.

    will look into chanting.

    I find a combination of meditation and qigong like falun dafa or what hippie mentioned kunlun to be very effective. Opening up the meridian/energy channels with qigong is a whole other area to explore.

    I for one find a direct correlation between meditation and trading P/L. makes me a happy trader.
    #61     Dec 19, 2010
  2. =================
    Mr Minot;
    Havent read all of the Mr. Fox book ''The Sermon on the Mount'' But the part i have read is quite good;
    insights into number 7, give us this day,our daily bread. Mr Fox uses that to ask for anything healthy, happy, harmonious......{Lord's prayer/learners prayer]

    Probably misunderstood mr Fox, on;
    manna in mourning,
    manna for lunch,
    manna @ supper time.....[Not a quote]That kind of rep, even if it goes along with shoes lasting 40 years,perhaps could be improved upon.:cool:

    Helpful post, helpful name-Fox. Thank you & mr Fox...................
    #62     Dec 20, 2010