Trainers--Real deal-legit-educators-worse

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by jem, Mar 14, 2004.

  1. 1. Real Deal

    A person willing to train in return for a cut of profits. Very tough logistically- Above and beyond the Guru but if you have a real edge this is the way to go.

    2. Legit
    Real time calls verified real time record (by witnesses or documents)

    3. Educators
    For people who do not post real time track records and do not claim to be profitable

    4. Worse
    Make claims but refuse to post records. And have no credible witness testimony.

    By JEM...

    Excellent Post

    Although the compounding effect is just might take a small group to attain the potential of the methodology...the leader who is legit charges a percentage of the profit while the group will collectively negotiate favorable rates and business structure....a quasi small trading company per se........where everyone has something on the line while minimizing front end costs....This in my opinion is a fair structure...The leader must have a legit paper trail....Gravy money goes to performance...not
    #11     Mar 15, 2004
  2. jem


    I do not plan on training anybody because the real edge I had no longer exists.

    If someone had a real edge, and could demonstrate they had it, I would be willing to pay for training. Till then I have gone out to longer times. I really do not have an edge worth my time on the day trading level. Or because I desire to make six figures and my edge only exists onec or twice a day, I over trade.
    #12     Mar 15, 2004
  3. jem


    db the proint may be that perhaps someone thought I was desperate on a different thread because I was a little suspicious of trainer/educator type.

    I just thought I would post what I thought about trainers but I would like to expose the fraunds and laud the real deals.
    #13     Mar 15, 2004
  4. Jem,

    If you had a "real" edge, how could you not
    have it anymore? What's the generally
    accepted definition of an edge, real or

    #14     Mar 15, 2004
  5. Ditch


    Check out MOHAN! This dude knows how to ring the register:p :D :)
    #15     Mar 15, 2004
  6. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    I have a program where I will train people for a cut of any profits they make that exceed $100,000. I will also verify my results to any QEP who is interested in investing with me.
    I enjoy the teaching and it helps me to trade, though this is my last year doing it in a chatroom, Im sure i will continue doing it in some other manner, but havent decided how.

    #16     Mar 15, 2004
  7. jem


    jack daniel.

    My edge along with the other people in the firm's edge was over exposed within, taught on Trading Markets by someone who got it from me. Hurt hard by decimals, partially arbed away by people arbing with the minis, legislated against by the sec, adjusted to by the specialists and minimized by the decreased range.

    BrandonF we sent emails you contacted me. I told you I was moving emailed you two mos later. That last email was not answered so I thought you lost interest.

    I would be happy to give you or anyone a very juicy got after I made 100g.

    And by that standared you would be in the top tier.
    #17     Mar 15, 2004