[Tradingview and Pine script] Multi-timeframe indicator

Discussion in 'Automated Trading' started by williamblake72, Jan 20, 2024.

  1. Hello,

    I am learning pine script v5 and i am trying to code a "simple" indicator which calculates the lowest high and the highest low among 60 min candles of the last 5 days of trade. Also, I want to define the perimeter of 5 full trade days (for instance, if today is Fri, I want to consider Thu, Wed, Tue, Mon and previous Fri) and among the 60 min candles of these days, calculate the lowest high / highest low, and assign these 2 values to each day, and plot them. In practice, in a 60 min timeframe chart, there will be two solid lines every day (one for lowest highs and one for highest lows), and then having a step the next day. How it is possible to do it in pinescript? I tried to use chatGPT but it is not helping.

    Thanks in advance
  2. Sprout


    Is this all plotted on a 60m chart?
  3. Use Pinescriptwizard variant of GPT instead.
  4. Yes, I would like to plot on a 60m chart in order to have a kind of step-line chart. The point is that i want to calculate the lowest high off the hourly candles, not the daily candle..and I am not able to manage this kind of command in the code due to my unexperience
  5. I tried, not success. It is needed human intelligence :)
  6. Sekiyo


    You've made the simple sounds complicated.
    Why not simply say ...

    Give me the lowest high and the highest low, among 60 minutes bars, from the past 5 trading days.

    If it's what you want then ...

    indicator(title="highestLow_lowestHigh", overlay = true)

    string timeFrame = input.timeframe("D", "Time Frame")
    int lookBack = input.int(5, "lookBack")

    [securityHigh , securityLow] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, timeFrame , [high, low])

    float highestSecurityLow = securityLow[0]
    float lowestSecurityHigh = securityHigh[0]

    for i = 1 to lookBack by 1
    if highestSecurityLow < securityLow // indent by 1
    highestSecurityLow := securityLow // indent by 2
    if lowestSecurityHigh > securityHigh // indent by 1
    lowestSecurityHigh := securityHigh //indent by 2

    plot(lowestSecurityHigh, color=color.green)
    plot(highestSecurityLow, color=color.red)

    I think it's about it

    Last edited: Feb 17, 2024
    williamblake72 likes this.
  7. Sekiyo


    It doesn’t work as planned.
    It doesn’t look at intraday bars,
    With the settings Daily, 5 on a 60min chart.

    Gotta check tomorrow

    Also … securityLow[0] and securityHigh[0] is the current bar
    Which you don’t want to take into account.