Trading with emotional intelligence than emotionless

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by rajesheck, May 5, 2016.

Is emotionally guided trading increased your profits?

  1. Less than 5%

    4 vote(s)
  2. 5% to 20%

    0 vote(s)
  3. 20% to 40%

    1 vote(s)
  4. 40% to 60%

    1 vote(s)
  5. 60% to 80%

    1 vote(s)
  6. More than 80%

    1 vote(s)
  1. [QUOTE="I'm always curious when I hear someone say they know someone that's successful and didn't even finish high school.

    you are my guru , you should know all this by now:)

    Traders who don't use their brain do better , Those who think get screwed up , when their brain gets hijacked .The thinker's brain is always open for hijacking emotions.

    The amygdala triggers your emotions faster than your conscious awareness. The unique “speed dial circuits” of the two almond sized nuclei within your brain are the first to react to emotionally significant events. These organs protect you from harm by interpreting subconscious hints of danger to trigger lightning fast responses.The amygdalae react to negative events in many ways, including activation of your sympathetic nervous system. The results cause you gut wrenching turmoil. While it takes around 300 milliseconds for you to become aware of a disturbing event, the amygdalae react to it within 20 milliseconds! Sadly, the knee-jerk responses of these organs cause you to overreact to the world around you. The human brain is not wired to trade successfully. This negative edge /disadvantage is present , before any trade is placed.
    #21     Sep 20, 2016
  2. qxr1011


    amygdala has no clue what is she talking about
    #22     Sep 20, 2016
  3. qxr1011


    what do u offer to watch ? TV? porn?

    yea a lot trade their emotions, but not every one

    at some point and for some people quantity will transfer to quality...others will die (as traders)
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2016
    #23     Sep 20, 2016
  4. qxr1011


    trading is for people with the specific qualities build into them long before they even attempt to trade

    learning to trade for them is building upon those qualities

    imho most of these qualities very badly coincide with requirements of formal education, social integration and team work... these are not the qualities that society is looking for from a student or a worker... so people with those qualities are often feel themselves outcasts...they usually are loners dropouts... not because they not able mentally or physically (quite the opposite) , but they do not need approval of others (parents, peers, teachers, coworkers, bosses etc).. especially if those others are bunch of compliant suckers
    #24     Sep 20, 2016
    profitlocker likes this.
  5. Most psychologists talk about the snake oil cure for my dna and genes , this is what causes amygdala hijackings (emotional hijackings).

    everybody's amygdala is different

    what is your cure or synthetic snake oil for it?

    maybe I need to discuss with independent real psychologists
    #25     Sep 20, 2016
  6. bone


    It's no mystery that "traders" self-sabotage themselves by allowing their emotional baggage to sabotage what otherwise might have been a perfectly good trading system. Usually, taking on less risk and checking yourself with a brutally honest daily journal routine can inhibit these sabotaging emotions. (Just my experiences, ymmv)

    There is another more obvious mistake that is less emotional and more hubris-driven. That would the "trader" over-riding a mechanical trading system with his superior discretion. And quite naturally, that doesn't have a happy ending over time - arguing with the market about price valuation never does.
    #26     Sep 20, 2016
  7. How do you remove their testosterone?

    my solution to this problem was to trade options, option spreads and futures vs options .I have hired a trade entry clerk , to input all my trade entries.I have no contact with the screens and trading platform.He just follows my trading formula..
    #27     Sep 20, 2016
  8. #28     Sep 20, 2016
  9. here are powerful emotional hijacks in this clip, imagine these people as traders who have lost their money and want their money back from the market.

    Here is a way to test , why emotional mental states dictate the failure of technical analyses, price action snake oil , trend trading and trend losses and chop outs.

    If traders were given the above price action , trend trading ,chop outs and fundamental analysis , if the they were in the following emotional states , what would be the end results of the analyses?

    #29     Sep 20, 2016
  10. He does not mention stress , emotional hijackings /amyglada hijackings , trader personality , beliefs ,dunning krugers behaviours etc etc etc Maybe he lacks this knowledge

    He may not know the mind of a trader in real trading , because he may not have traded live accounts and made any money from trading.

    He is right about the following

    OK, so here comes one of my best posts.
    I'll give you a view you won't hear from any mentor, coach, guru, or furu.
    Why do so many traders talk about trading being a mental game and making bad trades because of emotions? Why do you find yourself making the same mistakes again and again, making money only to lose it?
    Is it because you lack discipline? Is it because you cannot control your emotions? Is it because you don't stick with a trading process?
    You have emotional problems in markets because you're the market's bitch.
    You heard me right, Mr. Independent Trader who doesn't want a 9 to 5 job and wants to only work for himself. You're the market's bitch.
    From open to close, you're hanging on every market tick, letting it sway your thoughts and feelings.
    When the market treats you well, you feel good. When it treats you poorly, you feel like crap. When the market's not moving, you don't know what to do.
    If you behaved that way in any relationship--with your boss at work or your spouse at home--everyone would see that you're someone else's bitch. But with markets, you tell yourself it's dedication, it's a passion for trading.
    Bullshit. You the market's bitch.

    You have a relationship with the market and anytime you're controlled in a relationship, you're the bitch.
    The only way to have an even relationship with the market is to control when you play, so that you don't get played.
    That takes rules, that takes finding and sticking to edges--and it takes the willingness to not play when your edges aren't screamingly apparent.
    What you got ain't passion for trading; it's a need to play.

    If you need to play, you're going to get played. You're going to be controlled by market behavior. You're going to be the market's bitch.
    #30     Oct 14, 2016