Trading with a netbook?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by smilingsynic, Aug 26, 2009.

  1. Bob111


  2. Bob111


    i said it long time ago-imo-90% of all hardware failures caused by overheat

    like they said in article-keep it dust free and well ventilated and it will last forever.
    check HD temperature using something like speedfan. keep it under 40C
    #22     Nov 23, 2009
  3. No issues as yet on the netbook nothing fancy though just QT running and a 3G broadband dongle. Its handy for those odd times I have to be somewhere else during the week.
    #23     Nov 23, 2009
  4. netbooks are fine. use remote desktop, keep the netbook at barebones - OS only and you'll be very happy. Why load up something that's not a desktop with a bunch of software?
    #24     Nov 24, 2009
  5. +1

    try using CPUID Hardware Monitor software, it breaks down the temps of all your different components. My processors and hard drive usually stay around 40 C, but the GPU stays around 60 C. This is while using a laptop fan. It'd be interesting to hear if that is other's experience too.

    Keep in my mind that if you use a small external fan, it makes a big difference where you position the fan in relation to the laptop's air intake. I keep a fan on the left side of the laptop; when I've switched it to the right side the temps were significantly higher.
    #25     Nov 25, 2009

  6. I have a SSD , no worries for temperature issues ?
    #26     Nov 25, 2009

  7. I have ACPI around 44 C , what is that ?
    #27     Nov 25, 2009