Trading Sardines - Linda Raschke interview

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by qlai, Mar 25, 2019.

  1. qlai


  2. Anyone read the book "trading sardines"? It's not even on Amazon. No reviews on Amazon yet.
  3. qlai


    She said it's only available on her website for now :)
  4. Metamega


    When I heard an interview with her on better system trader it didn’t sound like she was a fan of amazon.

    Mentioned something along the lines of they didn’t write any of it so why do they get a cut of it.
  5. Palindrome


    Minute 54:30 hahahahahhaha
    qlai likes this.
  6. NQurious


    Distribution ... go on Amazon, she sells 10,000 copies. Sells it on her website she sells 10 ... but she keeps all proceeds ... I really like Raschke, but this sounds like a bad trade to me.
  7. RRY16


    Spoken like a true paper trader.
    NQurious likes this.
  8. Sig


    Actually spoken like someone who has at least a modicum of business sense. The whole insistence on 100% of a tiny pie over some smaller percentage of a massive pie is what separates failures from the vast majority of successful entrepreneurs. But definitely this Linda woman a person to take advice from, for sure!
  9. qlai


    One thing I found kind of funny but true is when she said that, throughout her long career, she was always on the wrong side of "black swan" events and never on the favorable side. Why does this happen?
  10. NQurious


    You caught me ;)
    #10     Mar 25, 2019