trading psychology experiment

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by dafong, Apr 11, 2008.

  1. I'd guess the stock wouldn't open right away. The stock should follow a pattern of a gap up. Following the tendency of peoples natural long bias, we should have about 80% bull market genius in the money at the end of the day.

    Day two. Big winners from yesterday will sell at the open, the mm will run stops and the stock will reverse at 10:15am (bummer)and go back up. Our 80% winner list is cut in half at end of day.

    After hours on day two the stock will be down?????

    Cramer comes on tv in favor of the uptic tac rule after he receives an email about halitosis, Pat Byrne sues a trading simulator. Schumer has a press conference to release the oil reserves (for the 45th time). Bagholders start XYZ support group. Value buyers light crack pipe.
    #11     Apr 12, 2008