trading platform Software for trading and analysis

Discussion in 'Options' started by cdcaveman, Aug 31, 2011.

  1. I just moved to interactive brokers from Etrade... i want to find the best platform to trade with to interface with my new deep discount broker.. i've found ninja trader and that does not look like anything thats going to really be beneficial for trading options... i can open an account with another broker in order to use there software and then actually trade with IB.. for example tradestation or options express etc.. please anyone that can give me some advice let me know..
    I had to get rid of the base fee associated with trading options at etrade and it was clear that IB was the most professional brokerage house at the best price.. Any idea for combos software combo for trading options with IB? and whats the benefit of unfiltered data?? and would it help in trading options?
  2. noble trading has better software for trading options, check them out
  3. If you don't mind opening an account with another broker so TD AMERITRADE (thinkorswim) is second to none when it comes to option software. And you won't need to pay for maintenance
  4. ajna


    Instead of opening another brokerage account, any other software that people would suggest for risk analysis and following one's positions? For ex optionvue etc.

    Also, for scanning trading opportunities, any recommendation? Livevol looks interesting, any other ideas?
