Gentlemen Author interessed for information about trading platform for e-mini . Most important Depth of the market and possibility of speedy /0.1 sec/ entry/order kill for tactic win spread /buy on bid ,sell on ask /. No graphics & Exist this kind platform wihtout downloading with java push ? Some of platform's was tested from author Ninja - need additional downloading of 25 mb .net ,which is source of instability and viruses. tested Onyx - need .net not tested J-trader -need additional downlading of SUN platform , tested not stable ,infected with viruse's PFGBest - some 10 MB ,system crashed by trading contest REFCCO/LIND -Xpress 5.7 MB ,have lite version ,stability is good ,but worst for speedy entry . By lite version different pop-windows are source of delay in 10-15 seconds . SR -12.4 MB .Who tested ? Infinity pro - need .net .Who tested ? Openecry -need only 1.5 mb downloading .Some speedy entry possible with DOME ,no lite version ,which work without downloading . Author would very pleased for additional information .
get a copy of a good anti virus solution - norton or something - seems to be most of your problems. also, try refco pro. xpress isnt so bad. lags may occur due to internet connectivity
get a copy of a good anti virus solution - norton or something - seems to be most of your problems. also, try refco pro. xpress isnt so bad. lags may occur due to internet connectivity 1. Some of complex platform work with java push without downloading ,as example ameritrade streamer . It work not in each situation ,but exist lite version http . Optionsxpress streamer ,or archipelago book work in each access ,which author tested in Hamburg 2. Where is platform with equal stability for future trading ?
Tested this time Infinity pro with .net From first attempt to login - login is false folloving -some another person used this version user account dissabled & From first day of testing from start !
I think your computer has problems. I have not tried some of the platforms you've mentioned, but I have tried a few of em. I've NEVER had a virus from a trading platform. I have NEVER had any major problems with the more popular ones you've mentioned as far as bugs/login issues/crashing. You need to do a virus/spyware scrub. Also, if you're looking for ultimate speed, your problem with some of them is likely due to .net/java. You're going to want compiled code, not interpreted. Open E Cry, X_Trader, and CQG Trader are all written in C++. These should be the fastest of the bunch. On the other hand, the speed of the software is likely moot in 99% of cases, as the real speed culprit (as mentioned perviously, by FuturesTrader71, I believe) is your internet/data connection. If you're running standard cable or DSL internet and trying to scalp from home, you'll be at a speed disadvantage to those like Futurestrader71, who have dedicated direct lines to their data. I'm not saying you can't scalp from home, but I am saying you're at a disavantage and it is not because of your software. Disclaimer: I am not a scalper. I never have been. But I also know I cannot be one because of my current setup, which uses Tradestation and standard DSL.
Try to test this time Work from start .First impression ,overloaded with information,which auhtor need not .Lite /http/version as by REFCO/Lind-Waldock not exist Exist customization ,will try ... Which of operator can compare SR/12 MB/ with Xpress ? both platform advantage's and dissadvantage's from experience.Most important speed and stabiltiy
If Trademaven = Tradebolt ,this have not DOME X-trader need downloading .how many MB ? based sun or .net ? Some information from experienced user of X-trader CQG welcome
you'll be at a speed disadvantage to those like Futurestrader71, who have dedicated direct lines to their data. As author is Germany based ,he's speed dissadvantaged,but some 5 business day result of the author by USA based real quote/paper money futures contest as 2600% /"by multiple author discrimination from organisator " - from complaint to CFTC/ stated ,that possible exist chanse for small operator . Important question ,that by paper game not clear how used CME rule first in-first out . In realy money trading MM can block this kind of operator acitivities