Trading one large account versus several smaller ones.

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by SoCalOptionsWriter, Jul 21, 2023.

  1. Let’s say I have 100k. Span margin. Futures an futures options only. Why do I sense based on limited experiments that I perform better with simultaneously purchasing and selling in four 25k accounts than the one 100k account. (Commission and fees not a factor.)
  2. Overnight


    Maybe it's because subconsciously you discern that each individual account can lose only 25K, whereas the one big one can lose the whole 100K. Your mind is psyching you out, which is why B1S2 would say you need PRM™.
  3. RantaMin


    I never thought about it that way, but it makes sense
  4. newwurldmn


    seems inefficient.

    you miss out on aggregate margin (if the future has a margin of 20k, you can only trade 4 instead of 5.

    you are more likely to make an error (4x as likely)

    And bookeeping is 5x more complicated (each account plus aggregate)
  5. PRM?
  6. Overnight


    Prudent Risk Management
  7. BMK


    Now, see, just last week I had a conversation with someone in my office, and I argrued that when it comes to buy-and-hold stocks and dividends, that it does not matter whether a stock or ETF pays a dividend quarterly or monthly...

    I don't care whether we get a check for $10 each month or a check for $30 every three months. It's the same dividend, right?

    But now you are undermining that argument

    WTF :confused:
  8. %%
    MORE than one location could be common sense;
    especially if on on them as a hi crime location like chicago.....
  9. Goldlover


    Using multiple accounts could provide a psychological advantage by separating trades and reducing the pressure of handling a large capital sum.
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