Trading NQ With Simplified SCT

Discussion in 'Strategy Building' started by Joe Doaks, Jan 31, 2009.

  1. Funny, MBroSet. I interviewed Rcanfiel at length over a year ago and his vocabulary, linguistic style and trading outlook are 180 from yours. Hard to mistake the two.

    MBS and Dackster, profitable trading systems are so dirt simple any fool could use them. That's why no one dares reveal them. I have always believed that those who peddle systems are paid by The Man to do so to misdirect the trading public into thinking trading must be complex so they'll always lose.

    That said, at the end of this thread I will reveal how Simplified SCT achieved the results I will post for the next few days.
    #11     Feb 1, 2009
  2. Well put Joe, well put. :p

    I wasn't kidding though, the fool honest thinks we are one and the same.

    True dat, true dat.

    All the SCT'ers are secretly holding their breath and waiting desperately for your code.

    Please don't dissappoint them ... LOL. :p
    #12     Feb 1, 2009

  3. Ok, ok. I understand what you are saying, Joe, but when is SCT not SCT?

    ...when it's simplified, and so it ceases to be SCT, and so it's just your perception.

    The bootcamp wallers can't make SCT work, because they don't understand what is needed to be understood, and what they don't understand is that SCT is not theirs and never will be....but they need a perception, and so cling on to false hope, because at least with SCT they have 'something', without it they have nothing. Born losers, it's a genetic thing.

    #13     Feb 1, 2009
  4. Hey Joe,

    When you give the SCT'er the code (LOL, like you're gonna do that), make sure you explain to them the difference between a jokari window and a johari window. :p :D

    "Jokari is a game principally for two players, but it can also be played solo. The game consists of a rubber ball attached to an anchor by means of a long elastic band, which makes the ball come back when you hit it. Jokari is played with wooden paddles."

    Johari Window
    "A communication model that facilitates analysis of both how someone gives and receives information and the dynamics of interpersonal communication. The Johari window was developed by Joseph Luft and Henry Ingram. It is normally represented in the form of a grid divided into four sections, each of which represents a type of communication exchange."

    LOL ... fools. :eek: :(
    #14     Feb 1, 2009
  5. IMO if you list SCT precepts in order of impotence, the PV Relation is at the top, with channels, "guasians" and all the rest being secondary. Simplifried SCT is based solely on my Southern Engineering interpretation of the PV Relation.
    #15     Feb 1, 2009

  6. Importance or impotence. The bootcamp understanding of 'volume' (at least the way it's depicted at the crayola factory) is impotent, the SCT 'make believe' channels 'seem' to have more importance and potency than the limp wristed volume bars adhered to on the 'Pollock like' charts that are posted......but it's all in hindsight and not of an advantage. They haven't got a fooking clue.

    #16     Feb 1, 2009
  7. The SCT thingy is complex because it is a collection of observations made by J Hershey over a 50 year period, sort of like a gypsy wagon with a V8 and anti skid brakes and a sound system added on... on top of that, instead of looking for the mathematical truth underlying all those observations, J Hershey decided to use Neuro Linguistic Programming to replicate his expertise in a lot of students [and I think he is nuts to boot]. Between the gypsy wagon, the crazy driver, and the NLP it is a huge mess... fun to watch maybe but nonetheless it makes me shudder to think of "learning it"... and I don't shudder easily, never did....
    #17     Feb 1, 2009
  8. Here's my Volume based auto code inspired by your post Joe ... in this particular chart, it would have had you Short all day on Friday (which is how my other, more complicated system had me also! :eek: ).

    This code is also free to SCT'ers (all they have to do is PM me - LOL). :D :p
    #18     Feb 1, 2009
  9. Hey Joe, I'm going to have to spend some time going over this ... but this system may actually outperform my other system, while being three times easier to trade (that's the only 3x I know of) and basically can be executed by ... well, by someone with an 8th grade level of education.

    #19     Feb 1, 2009
  10. "Hey Joe"

    Reminds me of Joe Ross, threads, haha. "Trade what you see"...., so what do the likes of Neoxx actually see?Hahaha! Maybe Joe Ross, needs to contact Jack, because there is obviously some conflicting and confusing ideas knocking around.

    #20     Feb 1, 2009