AAA, Do you just ask your futures broker to send you Futures Mag or what? Sounds like too good a deal. Thanks
actually I just went through the futures mag webpage... it looks like there is something behind. We all trade futures anyway so I guess this magazine can bring us some more knowledge. I was just amazed by the good information they offer for free on their webpage. I guess for some beginners it's even better than most books that are out there. thnx for the discussion. alain (Switzerland)
Kicking, I got it a long time ago through a broker then you get a card every year asking you to confirm you are an industry participant. Probably you could get it from the magazine directly.
Amen! same here. I read the magazines mostly for entertainement. On occation they will have good stuff. * activetrader has had a good series on tax by Green * Ehlers cycle stuff in TASC was excellent * futures mag used to have ruggerio with new ideas so you always get a bit of something out of it, but mostly it's just fun to read.
Yeap, I like Active Trader also. it tells alot about stock tech analysis. It help some on my trading.
The parts of Active Trader magazine I like the most are discussions with successful traders, since I am always on the lookout for additional insights to enhance my trading arsenal...
Does anyone know if there's a big difference between Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques 1st ed. and the 2nd ed.??? I'm thinking about buying this book but there's a huge difference in price on Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.
I read both, but most of that information is free on the web. Check out the "Chart School" @ Here is the link: Just scroll down to candlesticks....they have everything you need. Or just go to the library and check them out for free...they are your tax dollars.
Barbarian, Thank you for your response. is a very good website and I use it pretty often in my pre-market research. Tried the library but couldn't get hold of either one. I want to keep a good TA book at home as a reference and I like to read in the book format rather than on the internet. Since you read both which one would you recommend??? Thanks again.