Trading is halted on GME for many retail brokers

Discussion in 'Retail Brokers' started by bmoney, Jan 28, 2021.

  1. bmoney


    I've developed a complex 4 leg option spread that would profit massively from the $GME price action, but I cannot find a broker who will allow me to trade the ticker cause it was shut down by their risk management teams. Is there a broker that has not and does not plan on doing the same thing? It is hard to trade professionally and take advantage of events like this if the broker wont let you follow through. I have tried Tradestation and AMTD, and am hearing news now that IBKR is following this ban trend as well.
  2. Pekelo


    Yeah, all across the board:

    Ricter and comagnum like this.
  3. jys78


    Seems OK in IB.
  4. JamesJ


    GME Closing only here at IBKR
  5. Axon


    I just got an order through on Webull.
  6. bmoney


    IK RH is just straight up banning it, but TD is just not allowing "complex options strategies" to be placed ie options strategies with multiple legs. Maybe IB is the same way
  7. maxinger


    Seems like Tulip Mania #2 is coming up.



    there might be excellent shorting opportunities coming up.
    I haven't traded stocks for decades.

    Let me see if I can polish my rusty brain and get
    ready to short it.
    smallfil and guru like this.
  8. bmoney


    TY for confirmation
    Gaslight Capital likes this.
  9. caroy


    So far so good on TW.
  10. IB just went the same way ...


    I have no problem with increased margin requirements but I am never in favor of restricting trading. This just proves that all the teeth gnashing and hand wringing on CNBC and in the media about protecting the little guy is bullshit cover to protect the hedge funds and their clients. This can only hurt the longs. And the public is very long these tickers.

    Increased margin is how risk should be mitigated - NOT ending free markets.
    #10     Jan 28, 2021
    Cabin111, ElCubano, dennisa and 5 others like this.