Trading is easy, very easy, damn easy

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by MrCharts, Aug 12, 2009.

  1. Stopped out at $33.55
    #51     Aug 14, 2009
  2. Long 200 HRS @ $33.31 market

    Stop @ $33.24
    #52     Aug 14, 2009
  3. Stopped out @ $33.24
    #53     Aug 14, 2009
  4. Topper


    Why HRS and why wouldn't you just short it down to around 32ish? I don't know what the story is on the stock but from just looking at it, it seems the probabilities are pretty high that it may drop and settle before the secondary move
    #54     Aug 14, 2009
  5. JB3


    Trading would be much easier if you didn't have to wade through a mountain of garbage systems and indicators and gurus on the internet to get to the important knowledge to be successful. For every nugget of trading wisdom that is beneficial, you need to go through piles of junk and discern which is which. And to even tell which is BS, one needs to put in hours and hours of trial and error to determine which is the truth.
    #55     Aug 14, 2009
  6. Redneck


    Mr. Charts

    A very interesting thread you have here if I may say so

    I will do what I must – as I am sure you will too

    Looking forward to it Sir

    #56     Aug 15, 2009
  7. achilles28


    As a venerable member of ET's peanut gallery, my job is to rattle cages. I can see my work is done. Please continue.
    #57     Aug 15, 2009
  8. HRS is a bad stock pick to trade and it should become obvious by the time the 10 stock trades are completed.

    Already, any person seriously considering trading for to make money should see that there is no structure or process in place at the moment.

    It is but willy nilly trading so far, and willy nilly trading will not make money, but not making money is fine as long as you are not losing much and learning from your live trading experiences.

    All trades so far have many errors and things that should not have happened.

    This is what serious traders must look for when the see numbers posted, and not just the $ amount.
    #58     Aug 15, 2009
  9. JB3, you have hit the nail on the head dead center.

    I was that Soldier, as many and most traders who survive to keep going and eventually start pulling money out of the markets, know only too well.

    The have it all mixed up when they say 5% win and 95% lose.

    It should say, 95% who set out go thru what you have explained, and only 5% survive.

    The other 5% are in the financial industry business, and they make good money no matter what happens to other peoples money.

    However, for a clever person, one with the head screwed on correctly, the journey can be cut short by listening (or reading as we no have the internet)to those who have already gone thru the whole stupid marketing campaign, for that is all that most of it is, and will always be.

    Why does anyone sell anything - it is not because they want to share some of what they have made :)

    The human mind is a funny think - and it is far better to look at everything as false, including what I post, until you can actually see some truth in it, but to see truth one has to start thinking and asking some hard and serious questions, something that most people just do not have the will power to do.

    Truth is the one thing that will always guide a trader in the right direction.
    #59     Aug 15, 2009
  10. Thank You RN

    All can see, but very few can act.

    All that matters is the outcome.

    All that is good can never be bad.

    All the bad trades can be easily offset by a very small few good trades.

    All the TA in the world is of very little value as it happens after the event - it is very easy to read what has happened on a chart, but it is very hard to have a fair idea of what way the chart might look in a few minutes time, or hours, or days, or whatever time frame you decide to trade.

    All the experts are so only in their own minds, and in the minds of the weak, for, truth it be known, there are no experts, as the game does not lend itself to such a trait.

    All the money in the world is of little value to you unless you put it to good use.

    All the thinking you do is of little value unless you are thinking about the right things - not money btw.

    I could go on and on, but you know what I mean.

    From one who has no problem at all losing, as long as the loss is small:D
    #60     Aug 15, 2009