Trading Greece related financial instruments

Discussion in 'Trading' started by maxinger, May 23, 2018.

  1. maxinger


    I am not familiar with the various Greece financial instruments.

    Anyone having recommendations as to which Greece index futures, bonds .... we can trade and which exchanges provide these instruments?
    I can't find it in Eurex Exchange.

    I know for Italy, we can trade things like Euro-BTP futures from Eurex.
    Last edited: May 23, 2018
  2. JSOP


    Greece should really exit out of EU. I can't believe they are still in it.
  3. You can trade Greek stocks (ATH Athens Exchange Stocks) with IB on SWB (Stuttgart Stock Exchange) Mon-Fri 8:00-22:00 and FWB (Frankfurt Stock Exchange) Mon-Fri 8:00-20:00 in Euro. Many symbols are traded on either exchange such as National Bank of Greece (symbol ETE), but some symbols such as "Motor Oil" (MOH) are routed only through FWB and appear on the quote line as "MOH ATH". From IB's Website the minimum commission for SWB appears to be 6 Euro, and minimum for FWB appears to be 4 Euro. With IB if you want to trade these with real time quotes you'll have to subscribe to data for SWB, FWB, or a combination of the two, and either trade some cash into Euro before making your purchase, do a combination trade that does an FX conversion at the time of the trade, or borrow Euro from IB until you liquidate the position. Greek corporate bonds can be found through IB using the underlying ticker. Note that Greece imposes a tax on dividends and interest. Check IB's website for more up to date information.

    Yet another option are ETFs traded on a U.S. exchange settled in dollars.

    I don't represent IB in any way, I'm just a trader/investor.

    The usual disclaimers apply, this is not financial advice, seek a professional for financial advice, etc.
    maxinger likes this.
  4. truetype


    GREK isn't bad, and has options (currently ~35 IV). I've traded the ticker sporadically. You won't find anything more liquid on a US exchange.
    maxinger likes this.