Trading Futures completely tax free

Discussion in 'Taxes and Accounting' started by propwarrior, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. Hi

    Is someone out there trading futures completely tax free? I am paying huge amounts of tax on all my income and I want to be cheered up by someone who is beating 'the system of tax slavery'.

    Please tell me there is someone out there who lives in a 0% tax country and pays zero tax on gains they make from their US or European based futures trading account.

    It's my dream one day to escape this taxation nightmare someone give me some hope.

  2. just21


    Where do you live?
  3. UK. Tell me someone is out there in Cayman living the dream.
  4. Actually i heard it's possible if your bank account is elsewhere. and yeah the guys in the caymans are def enjoying quasi tax free trading.
  5. Can you add some more colour to 'quasi' tax free trading. I just want someone to tell me they made $100k trading futures and they paid absolutely zero tax, just so I have hope.
  6. Quiet1


    think about how hedge funds do it. managed in mayfair so why do they not pay tax on their gains (you never see performance gains shown net of tax right)? same idea.
  7. TKOSTA74


    what about trading cfd's such as ig markets
    i have read it is 0% tax on it
  8. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    This does not help you, but might help other with retirement accounts. I used a self-directed retirement plan administrator to open my futures account at Wedbush Futures. The trading in my Roth IRA is 100% tax free and I get full SPAN margin like another account. I have also allocated toward a few CTAs with a Master/Sub structure so the CTAs share BP.

    Contact me if anyone is interested.

    Pekelo, comagnum and VPhantom like this.
  9. wrong, u pay !
    there was/or is a distinction between spread betting and trading cash but i'm pretty sure CFDs do not fall into that in the UK.
    propwarrior likes this.
  10. just21


    Andora, Monaco, Belgium, and the Netherlands are tax free futures trading countries to research further. In the UK spread betting is tax free. for low cost advice on minimizing UK trader taxes.
    #10     Jul 20, 2017
    propwarrior likes this.