Trading for a Living - the journey to self discovery

Discussion in 'Journals' started by Th3UglyTruth, Feb 14, 2011.

  1. Thanks BrockL...

    I WAS running windows vista when it went blue; 4th PC that died on me in the past 10 years lol! I installed Ubuntu and then Mint as I couldn't revive my PC; couldn't even re-install! Thank you for introducing Fedora...I will check it out; I really just need an OS that can run or simulate Microsofts' Silverlight plugin. Unfortunately, the Moonlight plugin (which was supposed to be Linux's answer to Silverlight) does not work for the program I'm using. I'm actually liking the Ubuntu OS....just some quirks to get around (like some video on websites won't display or play)!

    Warm regards,
    #21     Apr 25, 2011
  2. I think you will really like whichever Linux you settle on when compared to Vista. I used to have my main desktop on Vista and I don't miss it one bit. Performance should be much better and stability as well so you can't go wrong with Ubuntu, Mint or Fedora. They are all solid distributions with each having its own vibe. Like you mention video plugins are the biggest headache new users will encounter from Windows but Flash works (even on 64-bit!) and most other embedded video works after some tweaking. Even Hulu works now in Linux. One great thing about Ubuntu is the community forums that can answer most any question or problem you are having.

    Since you are going with a dedicated installation and not dual-boot you should not have any of the boot problems associated with Ubuntu I mentioned and it will just be getting those few apps working. Even though I run Linux I still keep a copy of Windows running through VirtualBox. You probably won't have to do this but if you do then there will be nothing you can't run in Linux. The only apps I've had trouble with are Microsoft dependent of course (Netflix requires Silverlight!) and Apple stuff like iTunes. What a surprise :).
    #22     Apr 25, 2011
  3. Absolutely! LOL...all three are really cool! Like Ubuntu and Fedora over Mint for sure. And yup, I'm having issues with my iTouch, iPad and iPods! LOL.

    The other thing I noticed is the lack of free charting software for these platforms! That is the most annoying part! is awesome! Definitely worth the time learning the system.

    Regards and thanks again for dropping by!
    #23     Apr 25, 2011
  4. Thanks partner! managed to get VirtualBox installed...although I had to upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10! The graphics still look way'll play around it!

    Thanks for suggesting Virtualbox! Don't know why anyone would pay so much to Softie!
    #24     Apr 26, 2011
  5. Yes, graphics drivers are another challenge. ATI cards do not perform as well under Linux compared with NVIDIA cards in my experience. I replaced an old ATI card I had with a NVIDIA and tried using it with the open-source Nouveau drivers that come default in Linux and the performance was ok but not great. I could still tell a difference with Windows. I ended up replacing them with the NVIDIA proprietary drivers and now it runs games and video just as fast as Windows.

    Good luck with your new trading journal. I don't want to turn this into a Linux discussion journal and get in the way of your trading... back to work! :)
    #25     Apr 26, 2011
  6. :D Thank you...I wouldn't have discovered VB so soon if you didn't mention it! And besides, it is not like I'm trading ES or YM that I have to be on deck all the time LOL! Thanks again!
    #26     Apr 26, 2011
  7. ...great reminder why I don't hold over earnings....
    #27     Apr 26, 2011
  8. I've had a few PM's regarding the above questions that I thought I'd post my answer instead of individually PM'ing those who ask as it may benefit or shed light on the topic and who knows...maybe someone may just correct me or prove me wrong...

    DISCLAIMER: I'm not selling any software or reading materials or any service. I post because I believe this will keep me on the path to learn and improve. I am by no means an "expert" nor do I claim to be one! LOL so...take this with a grain of salt!:D

    Here is what I've learned...
    1. Opinions are like arseholes. Everyone's got one and each of them think it don't stink!
    2. Babies don't get told to crawl...they just go about it naturally (some prodding may be required!).

    How does this apply to trading?
    Books, software, set ups, systems, etc...there are a lot of them in the market place. They all have their own point of view. At the end of the day, I found that I needed to find out what MY trading personality was (risk, capital available, time commitment, vehicle to trade, etc...) first and foremost before everything that I read made sense.

    All the reading won't do too much good unless it really sinks in and you follow your own plan. All the plan isn't worth it if you aren't properly capitalized. All the capital isn't worth it if you don't have the discipline to stick to your plan...

    I am still learning and will always be. TNA was a great example...I placed my stops too tight; it went up today $2! I was right about NFLX not to trade it; was gonna short it but I stuck to my plan not to do anything...

    By doing...the pain of your mistake and the pleasure of your good call creates the journey and your path. Learning from the pain and NOT doing it again is easier said than done and that is what I am striving for! LOL

    Hope that helps!
    #28     Apr 26, 2011
  9. Testing out some cool free programs in Ubuntu! This one using OpenOffice! Next move for TNA? Not that I'm predicting...just wondering if these trendlines would hold up...
    #29     Apr 26, 2011
  10. Breakout or False breakout?

    Earnings expected to be out May 3rd in the morning. We'd like to see volume pick up when it breaks thru $17.
    #30     Apr 29, 2011