Trading emotionally? Device warns of stress

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Raystonn, Oct 14, 2009.

  1. Trading emotionally? Device warns of stress

    I can foresee some problems with this. Imagine not being able to close a position because you are stressed.

    But I can see some opportunities as well. "Hey boss, the short squeeze isn't working. Should we stop?" "Hell no, do you see how red their EmoBowls are getting? This is obviously very close to working. Hold on just a little longer!"

  2. ehorn


    EmWave also makes a slick product
  3. terrible idea, like the other poster mentioned about taking loses. all about discipline, no need for a parole prison ankle bracelet. haha
  4. zdreg


    which of their products do u recommend.
  5. ehorn


    I would recommend PC Stress Relief System. They are friendly folks. If you are interested, give them a call
  6. "EmoBowl, change color and flicker from yellow to red as emotions become more intense."
    it's the 'Mood Ring' right ?