Trading discipline isn't about fortitude. It's about conviction.

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Zvi_WholeBrainTrading, May 8, 2024.

  1. Good Evening MarkBrown,


    #11     May 8, 2024
    beginner66 likes this.
  2. Hello Zvi_WholeBrainTrading,

    Please explain to me in detail (e.g., a flow chart, step-by-step process, etc.) how to really trust my system and trust it with every bone in my body please.

    Thank you kindly,
    #12     May 8, 2024
    PPC likes this.
  3. Yes, conviction is a natural conclusion to a trading career. Just ask SBF!
    #13     May 8, 2024
  4. PPC


    What you are claiming is very narrow perspective lacking any concern for broader implications that are affecting traders’ lack of internal control.

    For example, some people trade because they like the excitement. Or some people want to subconsciously lose because deep down they feel unworthy. Etc.

    Unless the trader’s underlaying motivation (driving force) is congruent with their trading goals, then their conviction in their systems won’t fix their discipline as you claim.

    You’re teaching the same regurgitated stuff that everyone else is teaching. I don’t see a reason why people should pay you $250 per hour for this
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2024
    #14     May 8, 2024
    rb7, murray t turtle and semperfrosty like this.
  5. Yo SML, @SimpleMeLike

    Could you hit our new friend up for his trading credentials and track record please.

    Cheers mate.:D
    #15     May 9, 2024
    SimpleMeLike and murray t turtle like this.
  6. %%
    Good points + %;
    its a bit like paper\notebook paper + envelope/ paper list :D:D.
    Strange thing about market$, lots of logic, but some time much volume will trade on personal preferences.
    Traders always paid up for Belgium Browning$, even though Asian made Browning , about 80or 88% as good .
    No wonder , old Browning ad says ask a Browning owner\ i did + he said , he wished he had bought a Remington 1100,LOL/ Ok + did that.
    Good sell\ a Belgium Browning, dealer glad to buy + sell quality, like a sailing or trading ship.
    If system does not wok as well as projected, SPY, some times do SH..................;
    ;or some other benchmark .[Personal, like Israel's military victory anyway:caution::caution:]
    #16     May 9, 2024
  7. Hello semperfrosty,

    What is up Buddy?

    Sure I can do you for that you.

    Take care.
    #17     May 9, 2024
  8. Hello Zvi_WholeBrainTrading,

    Sorry, but I do not believe anything you are saying. This sounds like trading theories.

    Please show me system you have great conviction about you are trading in SIM or with the real money.

    Below is an algo system I am running I have great conviction about. But the conviction is being lost. I had really great conviction about this system in back test, so far in Forward testing in SIM I am drawdwon. Hopefully today is the start of recover of drawdown.

    Now what do I do?

    I do not believe you are telling the truth, because if you had great system you trust, you would not be a member of ET forum with us. You would not dare in a million years share your secret with ANYONE on this planet if you had such a great trading algo system. So its best to not state such things to us ET members with evidence.

    Once I find such great system for myself, I would NEVERE EVER in a million years share on ET website anymore or give anyone advice on trading EVER in my natural life. It would be dumb of me because I know how very hard it is to find very great strong trading system. I will keep the system to get very rich for me.

    There is just NO way in the world anyone making money in the ES market with a robust system is going to ever share that system or give advice. No way. I do not believe this. Because I trade the ES market everyday, and I could not ever see myself helping another trader on how to make money. It would stop me from making alot of money.

    I would not even tell my kids I trade or family in fear they will want my Edge. I would not tell a sole in the world I am making millions trading the ES future market. It would be dumb of me to do that. Because then they will want me to teach them how to make a million dollars trading the ES Futures.

    So I do not believe you are telling the truth.

    Last edited: May 9, 2024
    #18     May 9, 2024
    comagnum and semperfrosty like this.
  9. danielc1


    I do not know you, but it makes me sad that what you have written here is true for you. There are no secrets to trading. Or maybe just one: You can only trade what you belief is true. But for every trade you take, someone else must think the opposite, otherwise there would be no market.
    #19     May 9, 2024
  10. Hello danielc1,

    Is the color of sky blue or is the color of the sky purple?
    #20     May 9, 2024