Trading bot construction (IB)

Discussion in 'Automated Trading' started by doli, Jan 9, 2007.

  1. doli


    Here are some interesting questions about testing a bot:

    1. Could historical data be converted into tws->api messages?
    If so, what historical data is necessary?

    2. How do the tws->api messages convey information like last price,
    bid price, ask price, last size, bid size, ask size?

    3. If historical data could be converted into tws->api messages,
    which could then be replayed by toyTws, could toyTws be made
    to accept orders from its client?

    4. Does any sort of meaningful testing require timestamps
    in the historical data?

    5. If no. 3, above, could be done, could time be virtualized
    to speed up testing? By "virtualized," I mean something
    like doing a full day session in, say, one hour.
    #51     Jan 30, 2007
  2. Thanks a bunch for posting.

    A quick remark: setting up a Sourceforge project should be more convinient after a certain number of lines of code is reached. I would like to contribute if I can.

    BTW there is also an opensoure lib called CCAPI which could be interesting for you.

    I get an error in the file containing the line:;
    //client not defined??

    A small suggestion of mine: one class per file is more or less a standard in java I believe.
    #52     Jan 30, 2007
  3. doli


    chameleontrader: I agree that it isn't easy to post code here -- later in this post, I'll try attaching a Java file as a '.txt' file. I'll look into CCAPI. What error do you get? I expect that exception handler to run when the client has died. It should run because the client has died and the socket write, invoked by will generate the exception. If that's the reason for the exception, then the client is removed from the subscriber list, which is what I intended. Maybe an unusual use of Java? Maybe before trying the write to the socket, I should see whether the connection is still up? I'll start doing one class per file. Thanks for the input. I'll look into sourceforge, too.

    I have arrived at a skeletal bot. It depends on, which I'll try to attach as Wrapper.txt. and belong down, relative to
    wherever you did "jar xf" on the file downloaded from IB, in:
    so that IBJts/java/com/ib/client is a subdirectory relative to where and are. What I mean is that in the directory
    where and are, there is
    a subdirectory named 'client' with all the '.java' files from IB's 'client' directory. Here is

    import client.EClientSocket;
    class Bot extends Wrapper implements Runnable {
        EClientSocket client = null;
        Bot(String id, String port, String host) {
            if (!connect(host, Integer.parseInt(port), Integer.parseInt(id))) {
                System.out.printf("Bot: failed to connect\n");
            else {
        public void run() {
            try {
                while (true)
            catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.printf(" caught %s\n", e);
        public void error(String s) {
            System.out.printf("Bot: %s\n", s);
        public void error(int id, int code, String msg) {
            System.out.printf("Bot: %s\n", msg);
        public void error(Exception e) {
            System.out.printf("Bot: caught %s\n", e);
        public boolean connect(String host, int port, int id) {
            client = new EClientSocket(this);
            client.eConnect(host, port, id);
            if (!client.isConnected())
                return false;
                return true;
    public class Bot0 {
        public static void main (String args[]) {
            String client = "0";
            String port = "7496";
            String host = "localhost";
            switch (args.length) {
                case 3:
                    host = args[2];
                case 2:
                    port = args[1];
                case 1:
                    client = args[0];
                case 0:
                    System.out.printf("usage: Bot0 [client [port [host]]]\n");
            Bot bot = new Bot(client, port, host);
            Thread t = new Thread(bot);
    If you don't need the thread in 'Bot', just delete
    "implements Runnable", and delete the "run()" method, and delete the thread creation and startup in main.
    #53     Jan 30, 2007
  4. doli


    retrying the attachement ...

    I forgot to mention, all the '.java' files in
    the 'client' subdirectory need to be part of

    package client

    instead of

    package com.ib.client
    #54     Jan 30, 2007
  5. doli


    The random bot is starting to work.
    There are four files:,,, and These,
    too, wherever you put them, depend on having a 'client' subdirectory. And all the '.java' files in
    the 'client' subdirectory should be part of
    package client, not package com.ib.client.

    I've tested it a couple of times, after hours,
    by constraining the exchange hours -- you
    can see where that was done in,
    where some code is commented-out.

    Some observations:

    1. Would it have been better if RandomTime had
    extended Random?

    2. As is, it should be started before regular trading hours.

    3. Too tight a constraint on trading hours may
    result in spending a lot of time trying to find the
    entry and/or exit times.

    4. Should 'now' be initialized in run()?

    5. Should a 'Timer' be used instead of run()?

    6. It relies on the connection to tws and the
    connection between tws and IB remaining up.

    7. It has no sense of the market and no risk management.

    8. Could 'main' wait for RandomBot to exit?
    So that it could trade more than once a day?
    Would doing so require that RandomBot work
    with "trading hours" rather than "exchange hours," i.e., could 'main' pass into RandomBot
    the 'open' hours.

    9. RandomBot needs to generate an order.
    That's a matter of filling out an 'Order' and
    having the low level 'client' code send it.

    10. With risk management, wouldn't the exit
    half of 'run' need to verify that a position still

    11. RandomBot should confirm that its entry order is
    filled before scheduling the exit order.

    I'll try attaching, and as '.txt' files.
    • main.txt
      File size:
      692 bytes
    #55     Jan 30, 2007
  6. doli


    here is -- in RandomTime.txt
    #56     Jan 30, 2007
  7. doli


    here is -- inside RandomBot.txt.
    Also, these need '', attached earlier.

    To build:


    to run:

    java Main
    #57     Jan 30, 2007
  8. doli


    Here are some more issues with RandomBot:

    1. The 'client' code throws exceptions.
    Which exceptions are thrown? What is their impact
    on the bot? How can they be handled gracefully?

    2. Is every exception that the bot can cause
    handled gracefully?

    3. How robust is the bot in the face of connectivity
    issues? Can the loss of the connection between
    the bot and tws be discovered? What about the
    loss of connectivity between tws and IB?

    4. If risk management were added, could the use
    of a bracket order make the bot more robust?

    5. Could the exit order be placed at the broker with
    some sort of order that would only execute at a
    certain time? Could the entry and exit orders be
    placed at the broker ahead of the time that they
    should execute?
    If orders can be placed at the broker ahead of time,
    should each order id be remembered by the bot?
    Would the bot ever need to cancel an order?

    6. How long should the bot wait for confirmation
    of its orders?

    7. Can the bot be wakened early from its sleep?
    How could that happen unexpectedly?
    Why might we want to do that deliberately?
    What should the bot do if wakened early?

    8. A log of the bot's activity is necessary. I have
    been watching what it does on the 'terminal'
    that 'main' is run from. The 'printf' output
    could be redirected to a log file. Would that be

    9. If the bot gets into trouble and can recognize
    it is in trouble, could the bot send a text message
    to a cell phone? If not, could it send email?

    10. If 'main' can wait for the bot's thread to exit,
    could 'main' check what the bot did and try to
    recover from any problems that might have occurred?
    Is 'join' the way that 'main' could wait for the
    bot to finish? If this can be done, would it be
    better for 'main' to wait for the bot to finish
    with a timer set to expire if the bot didn't
    finish at the expected time? Would a thread other
    than 'main' be better for this capability?
    #58     Jan 31, 2007
  9. doli


    I have made RandomTIme an extension of Random -- not yet finished testing.
    It seemed that a lot of time was spent somewhere,
    if the exchange hours were shortened. The problem
    was here:
                // is the exit time later than the entry time?
                while (RandomTime.isGreaterThan(entry, exit))
                    exit = new RandomTime();
    by changing that to something like:
               while (RandomTime.isGreaterThan(entry, exit))
                  if (rand.nextBoolean())
                      entry = new RandomTime(open, close);
                      exit = new RandomTime(open, close);
    the number of iterations drops off a lot.
    I suspect, but didn't confirm, that as the entry
    time gets nearer the market's close it becomes
    increasingly improbable that an exit
    time that occurs after the entry time will be found
    without increasing effort. Whatever. It appears
    that a little additional randomness helped out.
    The constructors for RandomTIme were also
    modified -- what was Random() became
    Random(startTime, stopTime).

    After that was changed, I constrained the market
    hours to 5 minutes and saw an entry time equal
    to an exit time. That can be fixed by adding an
    'isEqualTo' method to Random, then using it in
    the loop, above, like
        while (entry > exit || entry == exit)
    With the new RandomTime, the constraint
    against exchange hours has been moved to
    'main'. 'main' can deal with the issue concerning
    whether the bot has been started before or after
    the exchange is open.
    It might also loop over "new Bot", so that the bot
    could trade several times a day -- for each new
    bot the exchange could "open" after the preceeding bot had finished its work.
    If exchange hours were constrained, say, to 5
    minutes, it should be possible to get the bot to
    trade 12 times an hour.

    Anyway, I'll probably get the change done by Monday.
    #59     Jan 31, 2007
  10. doli


    For some testing, I've been using,
    which I've attached as randTime.txt. With it, you
    can see where I'm headed with a change to, and

    After thinking some more about extending Random,
    it occurred to me that an extension of Random,
    in order to fit with what Random offers, should
    offer a nextRandomTime method, but the bot
    doesn't need that functionality. Methods with names
    like 'isGreaterThan' might not be appropriate for an
    extension of Random. Is this a cost of "rapid prototyping?"

    To build:
    To run:
    java -ea

    By the way, I noticed that on Windows these
    attachments look messed-up if opened with
    'notepad', so they should be opened with
    'wordpad'. Also, ET lower-cases the file names.
    #60     Feb 1, 2007