Trading Book -- 2

Discussion in 'Strategy Building' started by pantherproject, Apr 8, 2003.

  1. Vanilla,

    I hope you didn't take my response badly. I do not mean to "wreak" anything on anyone. I am not a wreaker, rather I like to think of myself as a repairer, righter of wrongs and helper of others.

    If memory serves, I believe it was salamander who called you a "wuss", but were he an alter ego, I would be the first to apologize for making such a crass and unwarranted attack upon your good name, person and courage.

    As you say, the comment deserved an appropriate response. Point taken. Up yours, Salamander.

    Upon reflection, it probably would just be better to avoid encryption entirely (the root of the whole discussion here), and Nitro is probably right in thinking that most people are intent on infecting as many computers as possible with computer viruses.

    With all of the viruses out there, there is certainly cause for concern.

    However, I'm not one of these people. So I'll just stick to my guns this once, because what will my word be worth if I withdraw?

    We should all try to be civil to one another, otherwise there's just hurt feelings and war, eventually.

    I wish you all the best, and hope you enjoy the book.


    Actually, not uva, harvard. I guess there's a streaking requirement of some sort at every university.

    best, pp

    #21     Apr 18, 2003
  2. While five people said I don't know jack, several throught the book was good and two said it was on fire. I'd like to get a little more feedback than the poll allows if possible.

    #22     Apr 22, 2003
  3. Next thing you know, they'll find a way to inject these messages with a virus.

    ofrmat c:%%%#&!%#$%.exe
    #23     Apr 24, 2003
  4. nkhoi


    #24     Apr 25, 2003
  5. Panther, just put it in PDF, it can't be that hard. It is a rule of mine to never open .exe (or even .bat, .scr etc.) files from untrusted sources (and even from trusted sources i have a hard time). Do you ever break your rules? I don't. So put it in PDF and you'll get back more feedback.

    I don't own an antivirus because i don't need one.
    #25     Apr 25, 2003
  6. nkhoi


    swoop, just click on my link to read his book.
    #26     Apr 25, 2003
  7. Nkhoi,

    I appreciate the service you are supplying, but please take the book down. You didn't write it and therefore do not have the right to publish or distribute it in any way. That means right now, please.

    #27     Apr 25, 2003
  8. nkhoi


    #28     Apr 25, 2003
  9. Thanks Nkhoi.

    Like I said in the private message, I'm thinking of pulling the book anyway. As the poll above shows, most people think it sucks. And I guess it does in its way.

    However, I think it does illustrate one thing pretty clearly -- that the people we trust to manage money often have pretty simple technical methods in place for making trading decisions, and further that these decisions often are not much better than what you can do on your own with a pencil and paper (like my uncle), simple spreadsheet, or flipping a quarter.

    And often, you can do better flipping a quarter (50%) than most people do with the best hardware and software and programming available. Case in point -- I worked for a group of geniuses with enough equipment to fly the space shuttle who believed so much in their system that they blew all of their client's money (95% drawdowns in at least one case I know about). And they just kept riding the same horse because they thought it would recover. It never did.

    The book seems to me to get at least part of what Elite Trader is all about -- individuals seeking the best way to make money on their own. The book obviously isn't going to say a whole lot to geniuses with a shitload of equipment (who probably make up most of the people on this board) -- for people like that this book will be like reading "Pat the Bunny". But for those just getting started (or who are ready to spend a shitload of money on somebody else's system) it seemed like a useful thing to make available -- as a primer of sorts. And at least a little encouragement to try to find something on your own before giving someone else your money for something you're not even sure will work walking forward.

    Anyway. Nuff said. I'll put the package together in a password protected .rar file. Will that make everybody happy?

    #29     Apr 25, 2003
  10. Panther,
    I liked your book, it's short and concise and brings up a couple of interesting issues such as the plentiful availability of profitable trading systems, or the psychological stances of money managers.

    I think you are getting skewed results on the poll simply because it is an .exe and you know as well as me that presentation is 90%of the message, the rest being the actual content.

    Try putting it in RAR / PDF, maybe fix the organization/formatting and I am sure you will get better results in your next poll ;)

    Take it easy.
    #30     Apr 25, 2003