Trading and regular sleep

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by BoyBrutus, Apr 9, 2008.

  1. i have the same problem i live in canada and start trading halfway through the japanese session.

    biggest things for me is making sure i wake up at the same time everyday and keeping my room dark as night a couple hours before i go to sleep.
    #21     Apr 11, 2008
  2. i have been a night owl for 15 years, and can sleep in the front yard now with the guy next door mowing the grass.

    so until you grow your vampire eyes, here are a few tips if you just can't quite get to sleep.

    * if you are not asleep within 30 mins or so, get up and do something boring for 5-10 minutes. no trading tinkering or tv, no trading books, nada...

    * take a cool/cold shower. lowering your body temp helps you fall to sleep.

    * get a good set of hotel curtains to block out the light. or if you want to go ghetto, cover them in aluminum foil.

    * keep the bedroom cold, i have a small window unit in the bedroom. i keep the fan on for the white noise.

    * learn to meditate. go ahead in laugh if you want, but you have to learn to turn your mind off.

    * go to bed and get up at the same time each day.

    * drink a high protein shake before bed. your looking for the highest concentration of the amino L-tryptophan.

    * no coffee or alcohol 4-6 hours before bed. i still can't do the alcohol part.
    #22     Apr 11, 2008
  3. Read a book before going to bed... you will surely feel tired.
    #23     Apr 13, 2008