TRADING and KARMA....your thought?

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Bond-Speculator, Jul 31, 2006.

Does perception that you have bad or good karma have an effect on your performance?

  1. Yes. What you take from the market you must give back one day...

    2 vote(s)
  2. Yes. you can't be successful if you've been a bad person

    4 vote(s)
  3. No.

    15 vote(s)
  1. I posted this in the psychology thread because it really is a psychological issue......if you think you have bad karma, you can trade against yourself...
  2. "Yes. What you take from the market you must give back one day..."

    If this is what you believe, would this not be true of any other job?
  3. "Does perception that you have bad or good karma have an effect on your performance?"

    Your perception of any aspect of your life affects your performance. If you think you can or you think you cannot, you are right.

    Check out "The T.A.D. Principle":
  4. hans37


    Karma is not a problem unless I allow trading to interfere with my Dharma.
  5. Bad Karma would mean that even when you traded or faded yourself you would <b>still</b> lose... otherwise its not bad karma...

    like trying to outrun your shadow... have you done it yet?

    Karma is based on the idea of that your life is mapped out - unchangably... due to past life good and bad actions... a life filled with good actions produces a following birth full of prosperity and happiness and the opposite for a life of bad actions...

    The acceptance of the idea of Karma also accepts the idea of reincarnation... you reap what you sow in this life in the next life...

    Dharma is the concept of performing right actions so as not to suffer the results of bad karma and to ultimately
    increase conscious awareness an be able to transcend the wheel of birth and death... the wheel of reincarnation...

    Death is the karmic wheel's stop loss and for most its a market order but for some its a limit order




    If You Have The Vision We Have The Code
  6. Karma works about as well as NLP.
  7. Cheese


    Try a different spelling and it'll help you.
  8. Holmes


    It's all in the mind - trading itself has nothing to do with karma, just with hard work and staying objective. However if your subconcious is screwed up or if you are in marital problems then defintely your trading results get affected because you are "out of tune" (only if you are a discretionary trader, system traders may have trouble developping a new system).

  9. Holmes


    that part is so true - I lived for many years in Asia and did "my bit" in humentarian aid. That resulted in that I was adopted as a member of a tribe and I could go there today and they'll feed me.

    It also resulted that a few times I was tipped off to be carefull as there was word in the street that someone wanted to kidnap me (being regarded as "a rich foreigner").

    When I suddenly fell ill I was taken care off by locals who otherwise would never have lifted a finger.

    And if you have ever been treated (without asking) by a Philippino faithhealer (!) who does not speak your language, did not ask questions yet knew to tell my past and present illnesses then the hair will stand up in the back of your neck. Still get the cold shivers if I think back to that.

    What goes round comes round.

  10. Yes. What you take from the market you must give back one day

    To keep good Karma you must give back, but not directly back to the market.

    Yes. you can't be successful if you've been a bad person

    Depends how you define success. If it's solely money, then the answer no. The list of bad people with money is quite long. If you define success as peace of mind, then yes, you can't be successful being a bad person.
    Now, do you want to argue what constitutes being bad? One can make the subject so deep it becomes meaningless.
    Make your money legally, give something back to your community, treat others as you wish to be'll find peace of mind and perhaps if you're really lucky, a sense of purpose.
    #10     Aug 1, 2006