Trading and Emotions

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by BuySellSideTrader2020, Nov 8, 2018.

Have you been through a similar situation?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Sprout


    For me, reality is crystalized past habitual thought.

    As for your trading example, it's a choice to trade. We trade with another whom has the opposite pov and a different interpretation of what the future brings. I assert the one with a greater spectrum of differentiation and a clearer outlook will prevail over the other whom does not. The one whom does not gets a payoff that's not financial, it's emotional. Ed Seykota and his Trading Tribe gets into this with his concept of Fred - the unconscious desire that will take actions to fulfill itself.

    As for The Secret there's two versions just as Think and Grow Rich has two versions. The essential distinction offered by both have been edited out.
    #31     Nov 11, 2018
  2. Areding


    If you want to make money you need to be less emotional, the reaction to some situation may affect the trade as a whole.
    #32     Dec 1, 2018
  3. ironchef


    Just have to give yourself time. Time heals.
    #33     Dec 1, 2018
    BuySellSideTrader2020 likes this.
  4. Sounds like the break-up was a blessing. Best wishes to you as you move on. One thing to keep in mind is that being process-focused rather than outcome-focused is not only good in trading but in relationship situations as well. Focus on what you can control -- which is your behavior -- and let go of the rest. If you view life as happening FOR you, rather than TO you, you are better able to ride the ups and downs in life.
    #34     Dec 2, 2018
    BuySellSideTrader2020 likes this.
  5. GotherL


    I am convinced what you get in the market goes according to your own emotions, vibes, expectations etc. If you can't fix your inner self no matter what you do or how good you're at trading you'll only attract loss. I can't count how many times whenever I am trading the market goes cold for me but when I am away (bathroom, smoke etc.) stocks start moving 100%-800%. I wouldn't be surprised if the smallcaps start blowing up next week now that I am out of commission.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2018
    #35     Dec 8, 2018
  6. chart pig

    chart pig

    So how is your trading now without the negative emotional influence? Results better? Process better? Tim away:
    I'm so curious how this resolves itself in your trading.
    #36     Dec 18, 2018
  7. Weelor


    I believe that to be a successful trader, you need to keep your emotions aside. You need all your senses intact in order to be successful. Emotions will always try to manipulate you into making the wrong decisions. What do you think guys? Are you an emotional person?
    #37     Dec 22, 2018
  8. tomorton


    I don't normally read or watch much on relationships but this clip popped up on my Youtube page. The guy is some sort of counsellor for males and makes a decent argument that women inherently exhibit borderline personality disorder behaviours either involuntarily or as a learned manipulative strategy - quite a convincing theory in my opinion.

    Certainly not a conducive environment for happy and profitable trading decisions.
    #38     Dec 22, 2018
    tommcginnis likes this.
  9. Denise Shull helped me think about emotions in a slightly different way. It's not so much that we want to be emotionless but rather that we should be aware of our emotions and use them as data -- we just don't want the emotions to hijack our mind and adversely affect our behavior. So focus on being more aware of your emotions and the real message they may be telling you.

    #39     Dec 22, 2018
    Sprout and tommcginnis like this.
  10. tommcginnis


    We're off in the weeds, thread-wise, but I have to say:
    1) I am no misogynist, but
    2) This guy is nailing a *bunch* of stuff. But as well,
    3) My guess is that the veracity of this guy's comments stems from a stark sampling bias, as
    in my own experience,
    4) On a whole, sane women worthy of a relationship tend to be already (and happily) married, while,
    5) the loons appear on internet dating sites year-after-year-after-year-after-year, getting
    6) enabled, empowered, and validated by an entire industry seeking to sell them on counseling, pet services, and essential oils. "You go, girl! The World *owes* you!"
    #40     Dec 23, 2018
    tomorton likes this.