Trading and Dating/social status

Discussion in 'Taxes and Accounting' started by Robertwiz, Jun 4, 2011.

  1. For the most part people lambaste you and poitn the finger at you for being part of the financial mess. But they will become real friendly with you when they can profit on the price trend. I always tell people I am not a registered financial advisor and I claim no reasponsibility.
    Corperate America f'd me over pretty hard and I am not feeling any pity towards them after being on the other side of the fence. It is nice to know that if a corperation pisses me off I can short sell them. I have some wealth in various asset clases and I really don't care about what people think about me I am more concerned about making money. The judgemental suburbinites are just usually just jealous any way. They dream of big money but prefer the comfort of being a wage slave.
    I don't mind giving people a chance. I gave a vagrant a clip board and some paper in the store and told him, If he could deliver two good sketchs of some eagles I would pay him $10.00USD. I saw him twice since then and he is still selling yard sale crap That the store does not need.
    After being screwed over by my ex-wife, corperate america and the system I don't give a f^% anymore.

    Expatriating A.S.A.P.,

    #41     Jun 5, 2011
  2. Maverick74


    Robert, you are still not getting it. I take it you are about 22 years old correct? It's just a guess here. The issue is not "what" you do. The issue is what you "make". Keep living in the fantasy world that more then 5% of the people on this site make any kind of money.

    The fact of the matter is the reason people don't respect you is because you are NOT making any money. Pure and simple. That dumb schmuck working that corporate gig making 70k a year at least has a paycheck, a 401k and probably life insurance. Most traders are living foot to mouth with no health insurance, no savings and no meaningful net worth. THAT is the issue.

    If you are making money paying your way in the world, people don't care what you do. And why are you so worried about being accepted? As others have pointed out, this business requires a lot of self confidence. If you are insecure about what people think about you, I would hate to see how you feel after the market takes half your savings.
    #42     Jun 5, 2011
  3. You got to sell it. Most women won't have a clue about it or where it sits on the social spectrum. Heck, if you don't know, why should they? So sell it. Tell them its the best thing since sliced bread and they should thank their lucky stars to be associated with a badass like you.

    This same approach did land me a gal who is way better than I deserve. She totally fell for my bullshit. And on balance, I work harder all the time to prove her bad judgement right.

    #43     Jun 5, 2011
  4. sle


    Yep, and the ones of us who are employed by banks or large funds are working the same corporate gig, including all of the drawbacks (kissing ass and taking names, meetings, suit and tie, get to work at 6 am etc).

    PS. I think all of you should see the "I trade size" clip again...
    #44     Jun 6, 2011
  5. achilles28


    Listen, trading is about the money. Nothing else. If you want prestige and respect from upper-crust types, go to law school. Or med school. Or become an I-banker.
    #45     Jun 6, 2011
  6. Just because a lot of traders are gamblers it does not mean that everyone trading from home is a gambler.

    If you are a trader who is doing well and by well I mean at least $150.000 or more and if you are single and if your expenses are under control I would think it's awesome if you work from home in your boxers and can surf porn as well if you feel so inclined.

    If you do well trading from home you rock ! Regardless of what other people migh think of you all you got to do to feel confident is to look at your profit and losses. That is your reality everything else is totally irrilevant.

    Journalism and tv or working in a bank, again, if somone is good, why bother ?

    #46     Jun 6, 2011
  7. All depends on how you present yourself. Dress well, keep in good shape, display class, intelligence, and knowledge, and you will not fail to score just because you are a risk-taker. In fact, I found that often it's an advantage, a lot of women like the idea of a guy who had the balls to strike out on his own instead of following the conventional paths.

    However, if you are grinding out 100k a year as an ES daytrader, that's lower status by far than if you are a man with a plan from going from there to 250k, 500k, millionaire, hedge fund startup, then balling master of the universe within the next 5-10 years. See the difference? One is a grinder in a tedious moderately paid risky profession, the other is an ambitious go-getter who might eventually hit the big time, and will probably have a lot of fun on the way. Guess which hot chicks would rather take off their panties for?

    It also depends on the woman. A forest ranger on 35k isn't high status to a Manhattan harpy, he probably makes less than the bartender at her local cocktail joint. But an experienced outdoorsman in decent physical shape, who's a good shot and has the respect of his peers, will never be short of pussy, plenty of more traditional women would rather hook up with a man's man like that than some fat, pasty, bespectacled Goldman quant geek.
    #47     Jun 6, 2011
  8. That's not a great way to act. First, it's disrespectful to call it not a real job. Hacking it in a competitive profession like trading is far harder than hacking it in most real jobs. Second, it's not supportive - if a guy goes through a rough patch in his business, his wife should support him to get back on track and keep pursuing his dream, not tell him to pussy out and become a wage slave in something he hates. If he fails year after year, then yes at some point she needs to suggest he draws a line after giving it a fair crack. But nagging him to become a drone every time he has a drawdown? That's gold-digger sheep whore mentality.
    #48     Jun 6, 2011
  9. +1

    well put Cutten
    #49     Jun 6, 2011
  10. poyayan


    You guys are missing one huge fact.

    If you work for a respectable firm, the firm believe in your worth and it is an independent reference of your worth. Meaning, if you said you work for Goldman Sach as an investment banker, not only you say you are an investment banker. Goldman Sach agree with you too.

    So, when a random person ( a girl or not ) hears it from you, they will have more confident to believe what you said is true.

    On the other hand, if you trade for yourself at home, well, you are missing that independent reference.
    #50     Jun 6, 2011