Trading a New stock

Discussion in 'Trading' started by TG, Mar 30, 2003.

  1. TG


    Have tried trading the new CME stock several times, but my orders send me a message,"rejected by clerk". Can't be traded or are there restrictions I'm not aware of on such activity?
  2. Be thankful that it didn't read "You blistering idiot! What makes you think we will let you worm trade this stock?"
  3. TG


    Exactly what does worm trade mean ? Do you have any answer to my question or are you just one of those idiots who clutter this place with stupid statements.
  4. This is a tough one since your original post doesn't seem to contain any questions. But I'm gonna go with the idiot thing.
  5. TG


    I apologize for the "idiot" statement. I thought my question was pretty straightforward, why was my order rejected? I haven't traded relatively new issue stocks before and it popped up on my scan.
    Anyway, life is to short to engage in saying anything derogatory about anybody, especially someone I have never met.
    So, for what its worth, time to move on and maybe someone else will have an answer.