Tradestation users please help

Discussion in 'Automated Trading' started by Enderson, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Enderson


    I`m trying to get the recent 2 years historical data in excel format for CL futures. I have searched everywhere but can`t find what I am looking for.

    I know this can be done very simply in Tradestation, unfortunately it is not my broker. Could someone please be kind enough to upload these 2 simple scans here?

    1. O,H,L,C for the past 2 years of CL futures Real Trading Hours only

    2. The High/Low of the first 60min for the same sample (IB)

    Thank you, thank you, thank you to anyone who is kind enough to help with this.
  2. Enderson


    Thank you for that link but unfortunately the data is not there.

    For the 2 exports I requested I assumed someone would be using the continuous contract and RTH trading only.
  3. The NYMEX/CME has all this data available for a price.

    Explore their website.