Neither the ActiveX version of Q_zecution, nor the TwsActivex.xls has worked since the last "upgrade" to TWS build 759.0 on 3/27/02. A few other ActiveX users I have contacted reported the same. DDE versions of both still working however. Tech support suggestions as yet have had no success...........FWIW
AnomalyResearch, Thanks for your macro, it's great!! I think there should be a correction to the examples - the price for a stop order is placed in the AUX cell, so there should be 2 commas after STP. Example : place,SELL,STP,,1380 I tried it with the WealthLab software and it works. Now, I dont have to open an account with tradestation to get autoexecution. Thanks, pretzel
Would it be nice to be able to dynamically adjust the number of contracts traded by import tick by tick account values and have it update dynamically and then when an order was triggered it would take into account the "last account value" if it were used in a calculation to adjust # of contracts traded. Any ideas appreciated. Net
One easy way is to have Tradestation compute and pass the number of contracts to trade in the output file . I have a new standalone version of Q-zecution written in Visual Basic 1.0 (yes thats right ,the 1991 original release of Visual Basic!!!!) which incorporates that feature. It connects to IB using DDE. I am having some problems getting it to run with the vbrun100.dll on win2k machines, but win 98 seems ok. Anyone wanting to play with it may email me for a copy.
I am very interested in your macro - will provide any feedback i can. i am currentyl working on conditional exit orders....will let you know if i succeed
Would apprciate your automation macro at Will reply back if any improvements founded Thanx
You can download the Autotrader directly from here:
Does anyone have the ability to send signals from Tradestaion to IB in muliple accounts?