Do any other users have the same 3 recurring problems I have had with tradestation pro (running it on windows 2000): 1. Throughout the day, you sometimes get prices freezing as if the whole feed has gone down and the green circle turns red. A few minutes later all the charts reload and it is OK. However if you have 9 charts like I do this is a pain as it takes ages to reload all the charts. Tradestation have denied that this is their feed and say it is my computer. 2. At least once a day the whole thing crashes. A little message pops up saying it has an error and windows will shut it down. Then, really, you have to restart the computer before loading it again as if you don't the same problem will happen. Again they have told me my workspace must be corrupt, but I have tried this with a fresh workspace - it seems to not like any more than 1 or 2 charts per workspace. 3. My 9 chart workspace is basically different views of the eminis. When the market opens one of these charts (and it changes each time) basically goes blank, but keeps the axis values (time & price). You can do nothing about it and it reappears and is OK for the rest of the day after about 10 minutes. Thanks
Funster, I run TradestationPro on Win2000. I encounter the problem # 1 about once a day. I always thought it was due to internet traffic. Fortunately, I don't have the other two problems. How much RAM do you have? Could this be the problem? Pat
I enclose the reply I got to problem 1. Let me know if you also experience problems after. Strength in numbers is always better when confronting Tradestation. PS: I did not try turning my anti virus off. "The TradeStation Servers are performing under normal conditions and the data feed should update continuously without any interruptions. Apparently, something is interfering with the connection between your computer and the TradeStation Server. Please follow these steps to improve your Internet Connection: 1. Close TradeStation 6. 2. Open Microsoft Internet Explorer. 3. Click on the Tools menu on the menu bar. 4. Click on Internet Optionsâ¦. 5. Click on the Delete Files⦠button for the Temporary Internet Files. 6. Put a check mark where it says Delete all offline content. 7. Click Ok. 8. Click on the Security tab. 9. Click on the Default Level button. 10. Lower the security level notch on the left all the way to the bottom so it says âLowâ. 11. A security-warning message will pop-up, click on Yes to that warning. 12. Click on Apply and then click OK. If an anti-virus software is currently running on your machine, please disable it and check the performance of your data-feed then. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for your continued support. Jesus Nava Support Services Department TradeStation Technologies, Inc. (formerly Omega Research, Inc.) A wholly-owned subsidiary of TradeStation Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: TRAD)
Gave up on TS a long while back. My partners didn't, though and were constantly plagued with freezes and TS's predilection to hog all system resources, sometimes even conflicting within prosuite progams! Also imho questionable as to validity of stops and limits, when does TS recognize that a trade is on (not what you think) kinda kludgy documentation, easy language (really a variant of pascal) slooow, kludgy "optimizer" can optimize only for profit...and now only $795 / month!
I have been using TS Pro for soem time now under W2K and do not seem to have the same problems you see. I have had the ocasional quote freeze but I would say that about 95% of the time quotes run smoothly. They did have some terrible problems early last week after they introduced a new upgrade, but things seem to have smoothed out now. I am running a dual 1Ghz with 512M RAM using a DSL and sometime T1 line. The problem I have with TSPro is that, as another user said, it hogs too many system resources, window updates are slow, data retrieval is slow, and overall the program is just extremely sluggish compared to say Realtick. This is probably because the program is trying to do too many things at once, i.e. analyzing easylanguage indicators etc for each chart on every tick.
"I have had the ocasional quote freeze but I would say that about 95% of the time quotes run smoothly. They did have some terrible problems early last week after they introduced a new upgrade, but things seem to have smoothed out now. " Does that mean that we as users are supposed to download an upgrade patch or something? I have never with ts pro.
Funster, TSPro checks for new versions every time you log on. You will automatically be notified when the new upgrades come out. There was a new release on Monday last week. Concerning lockups/crashes, I guess I spoke too soon. I just had a lockup/crash. I requested a quickquote on GE and the program froze. Whether it was waiting for data from the servers, I don't know. I had to kill the application after about 2 minutes and reboot the system
Do you have enough RAM in your system? I have yet to experience any of the above problems. I have a pretty good system: Pentium 4, 1.4 Ghz 1024 MB Ram 18 GB SCSI Hard Drive Appian Jeronimo Pro Win XP
1) I do get some freezes, but they are about 10 seconds to at most 30 seconds, and they happen at most twice a day. I would not be surprised if they are charging more for TS for exactly this reason, i.e., they have to get more bandwidth, and more servers to handle the load, and $99 may not give them the margin or the reliability buffer they want to portray. 2) Two _NEVER_ happens. I have several systems that I run and test with, the lowliest a dual 300Mhz with 640 MB of ram. Be careful how and what other softare you install on your machine, i.e., if you can, rebuild the OS from scratch, and just use TS. Start your workspaces from scratch, that is, don't copy them, just rebuilt them again. If the machine still crashes, it is likely a hardware "problem." 3) This is a feature, _NOT_ a bug. I can think of many reasons to do this, one of which it could be an optimization. This is easily remedied by simply clicking on the scroll bar at the bottom to scroll to the left, then scrolling to the right. This works for me. nitro
Funster, I am not sure if I want to try to lower the security level in my Internet Explorer, I guess it's not worth it for me. Echo33029, what is the latest version number? I wasn't notified about any new versions recently. My version is: Date: 08/09/2001 Thanks.