Tradestation - downloading data?

Discussion in 'Data Sets and Feeds' started by cashonly, Jun 24, 2005.

  1. Is download Scheduler in TS.8 for the same purpose?
    If so, how many symbols it can download at same time
    and where it downloads data to ?
    #11     Jun 30, 2005
  2. up23


    Here's my code to download to different files based on telozo:

    vars: fileName("");

    fileName = "C:\TradestationExport\" + GetSymbolName + ".csv";
    if BarNumber = 1 then FileDelete(fileName);
    FileAppend(fileName, numtostr(date,0) + "," + numtostr(time,0) + "," + numtostr(open,2) + "," + numtostr(high,2) + "," + numtostr(low,2) + "," + numtostr(close,2) + newline);​
    #12     Jun 11, 2016