Tradestation 9.1 installation R6031 CRT initialize error fix

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by tmarket, Nov 10, 2012.

  1. Tradestation is beginning to push everyone to TS 9.1 with dot net (TradeStation 9.1 Version: 9.1 (Update 11680) Date: 11/14/2011 106 MB (111,721,576 bytes) ).

    The problem is that on some systems (usually WinXP), you will get a MS R6031 error "Attempt to initialize the CRT more than once". This problem occurs because of the application compatibility settings.

    The fix is to remove the registry key 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers\C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe'
    (which had a string value of "EnableNXShowUI") and rebooting the machine.
  2. TS no longer support Tradestation 9.1 on WinXP:

    1. TS has told us that V 13 does not play well with XP.
    2. Most people who use virtual machines are running XP on the VMs.
    3. The day will come when no version of TS will run on folks' current VMs.

    Many people do use VMs in their everyday trading. This might turn out to be a bigger issue than people just upgrading standalone OS.

    Important Notice: TradeStation and Windows XP

    While the TradeStation platform has continued to evolve by taking advantage of the latest technologies wherever possible, Microsoft has not updated the Windows XP operating system for some time now. As a result, with each new update to the TradeStation platform we are encountering new issues directly related to the conflict between new technologies and a dated Windows XP operating system.

    Our extensive testing of the platform continues to uncover new issues that are directly related to Windows XP. The latest and most serious issue that we've encountered is that some customers who are using Windows XP and upgrade to version 9.1 Update 13 will no longer be able to launch the TradeStation platform. As a result, if you are currently using Windows XP as your operating system, at this time we are recommending that before you apply Update 13 or any future update to TradeStation 9.1, that you first upgrade your operating system to Windows 7 or Windows 8.

    Although not all customers using Windows XP will experience an issue with version 9.1 Update 13, we cannot predict which Windows XP users will encounter an issue with this or any future updates to TradeStation 9.1; moreover, there is likely little that we will be able to do to address those issues. As a result, Windows XP has been removed from our list of minimum requirements and is not expected to be supported by any future TradeStation versions.