Take a look at http://www.tradescapeonline.com, most active today, TMPW 34.4% of nasdaq volume, RBAK 31.5% and there are a few others in the 10-20% range. A few months ago their top volume mover is typically in the 10% range of NAZ volume, now 30+% is a bit crazy. Seems the true winners in daytrading are the brokerage houses like tradescape. With so much noise going on, I would never add stuff like TMPW or RBAK to my portfolio if I were a fund manager.
Add up the percentages on the right hand side. They total well over 100%. After reading it again I don't know what they mean, but it can't be % of Nasdaq, its mathematically impossible.
Considering the tremendous volume they are showing on these stocks,they must be very widely used. WHY then do they show such a poor rating under "brokers" here on the forum?
I think most of their volume is done in their Manhattan office where they use a different software. I had an account with them for a while, they are actually quite reliable most of the time.