TradersStudio 2.0 is Released

Discussion in 'Events' started by Murray Ruggiero, May 28, 2006.

  1. Murray Ruggiero

    Murray Ruggiero Sponsor

    Yes , I will look at your three 8.2 code examples. Please send them to me. PM me and I will give you a private E-Mail Address.
    #101     Nov 27, 2006
  2. progers, you have no need to apologize. I would not touch that other product with a ten-foot pole, especially with the years needed to get a reliable real-time, intraday version. I don't think it will survive.
    #102     Nov 28, 2006
  3. Livermore, are you the ghost of Christmas past? Surely not present or future?
    #103     Nov 28, 2006
  4. Murray,
    Can TradersStudio perform backtesting on individual futures contracts and provide consolidated results? Can you provide a short explanation as to how it is done and how it works? Backtesting on continuous contracts is nice, but I would feel better about the results if they covered the individual markets.

    #104     Jan 10, 2007
  5. Murray Ruggiero

    Murray Ruggiero Sponsor

    Yes we can do indivdual contracts but it requires a little coding.
    You add each contract as a market in the session (portfiolo). Then using a little code you can look at the symbol and enable and disable the system from trading so it only trades during the active period of the contract.

    Here is a an example for the S&P500.

    Sub SP500SingleContracts()
    Dim lastChar As String
    Dim fileYear As Integer
    Dim bOK As Boolean
    Dim CleanSymbol As String
    If InStr(thisMarket.Symbol(0),".") Then
    End If
    lastChar = Ucase(Right(CleanSymbol, 1))
    fileYear = CInt(Mid(CleanSymbol, 2, 4))
    If fileYear = Year(Date) + 1 Then
    If lastChar = "H" Then
    If BetweenDates(Date, 12, 9, 12, 31) Then
    Print CDate(Date), " : H (1)"
    bOK = True
    End If
    End If
    End If

    If fileYear = Year(Date) Then
    If lastChar = "H" Then
    If BetweenDates(Date, 1, 1, 3, 9) Then
    Print CDate(Date), " : H (2)"
    bOK = True
    End If
    End If

    If lastChar = "M" Then
    If betweenDates(Date, 3, 10, 6, 9) Then
    Print CDate(Date), " : M"
    bOK = True
    End If
    End If

    If lastChar = "U" Then
    If betweenDates(Date, 6, 10, 9, 9) Then
    Print CDate(Date), " : U"
    bOK = True
    End If
    End If

    If lastChar = "Z" Then
    If betweenDates(Date, 9, 10, 12, 9) Then
    Print CDate(Date), " : Z"
    bOK = True
    End If
    End If
    End If

    If bOK Then
    ' call your original system here
    End If
    End Sub

    I have a comment where you would need to put a call to your trading system.

    BetweenDates is a new function in 2.5 which was added in this beta. It is written in script and the code is as follows:

    Function BetweenDates(theDate, monthFrom, dayFrom, monthTo, dayTo) As Boolean
    Dim dMonth As Integer
    Dim dDay As Integer
    Dim bOK As Boolean

    Dim corrDate As Integer
    Dim corrFrom As Integer
    Dim corrTo As Integer

    dMonth = Month(theDate)
    dDay = DayOfMonth(theDate)

    corrDate = dMonth * 100 + dDay
    corrFrom = monthFrom * 100 + dayFrom
    corrTo = monthTo * 100 + dayTo

    If corrFrom > corrTo Then
    Print "wrong input for BetweenDates"
    End If

    BetweenDates = (corrFrom <= corrDate) And (corrDate <= corrTo)
    End Function
    #105     Jan 12, 2007