Trader's intelligence test

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by jcl, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. jcl


    You know that the price of a certain asset follows a simple rule, without any random deviation. You just have to figure the rule and you'll get obscenely rich.

    The last 10 prices:

    3, 6, 6, 8, 8, 7, 7, 9, 8, 8

    What's the next price? Are you going to buy or to sell on the 8?
  2. jcl


    No one buying or selling? Maybe it was too difficult, some more hints:

    - Today's price is 6. Thus, selling short would have been right.

    - The price rule is really simple. No higher math involved.

    What's tomorrow's price?
  3. jcl


    100 views and no takers - I have to accept that such a problem is probably indeed too difficult and inappropriate for this forum. Nevertheless, two final hints:

    - Today's price is 9.

    - The price is slowly trending upwards in the long run.

    What's tomorrow's price?
  4. Everyone will have a different answer. The solution is to trade price according to your proven plan.

    For example:

    -One trader might sell for a scalp to 6 as you posted yesterday.

    -Another trader might buy into the decline.

    It's pointless to attempt to guess what tomorrows or the next few minutes of price will be because no one will ever know.
  5. jcl


    It's not a guess. When you figure the rule, you know the price precisely.

    - Today's price is 9. Tomorrow's price will be 11. Yes, prices also change on the weekend.

    - The prices will rise ever more slowly. Still, there's no upper limit.

    What's the price of the day after tomorrow?
  6. TRS


    Trader intelligence test is called the Profit/Loss statement.