Traders having ADD?

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by BudFoxx, Aug 15, 2005.

  1. Does anyone else with ADD get so distracted by a 'minor' flaw, that it completely ruins the entire picture? The best example I can present, is the fact that to me, one big ugly mole can completely destroy the beauty of an otherwise attractive female.

    Quote from Rearden Metal:

    Until Kournakova pays her dermatologist a well needed visit for neck mole removal, she's barely even doable.

    Anyone else with severe ADD knows exactly what I mean. One ugly-ass mole ruins her entire appearence. Same goes for Charlize Theron and Winona Ryder.

    I <i>think</i> this is due to my ADD. Anyone here understand what I mean, or feel the same way?
    #51     Sep 14, 2005
  2. milky


    There is a book by Temple Grandin about autism and animal psychology that you might find interesting.

    Temple Grandin is an Autistic Ph.D. science writer made famous by her visit on Oprah. She claims that one commonality between animal- and autist-perception is a disproportionate interest in minor details; i.e. a tiny visual change in an animal's environment can be very psychologically disruptive.

    Her book is not overly scientific, but it highlights differences between thought processes for those on either end of the autistic scale. By my observation, her definitions of autistic cognitive tendencies appeared well suited to high-frequency trading tasks.
    #52     Sep 14, 2005
  3. If that is the case, I just think your probably just gay...

    lol. seriously, I kind of know what you are saying, but not to that extent. Not even close. But I notice faults in things in general and am hard on people, but I am also hard on myself to boot, I dont descriminate.. :D
    #53     Sep 14, 2005
  4. I think,
    it sounds more like a lot of people who are SCALPING

    are developing tunnel vision when things start looking like the matrix and time and sales starts to slow like bullets flying at you.

    Thats tunnel vision, start missing out the forest when you are focusing on the trees.

    I went through some times like that, but I've noticed its not great for trading (I invest more then I trade now) so I miss out on a lot of the big picture.
    #54     Sep 14, 2005
  5. BudFoxx


    glad to see others having similar issues.

    .. since my post i've taken up working out and fish oil vitamins.

    i think it's helped but might need more time to see the true effects.
    #55     Sep 14, 2005
  6. I dont know how you CANT exercise to blow off steam. I mean at least a 1 1/2 mile jog helps my focus and allows me for reflection on my day, good or bad.....

    The only problem is they have those CNBC parrots squawking on the tube at teh gym so I have to wear headphones.
    #56     Sep 14, 2005
  7. Good one ... :D :D :D
    #57     Sep 15, 2005
  8. omniscient

    omniscient Guest

    just wanted to offer a quick follow up regarding Alan's post earlier in this thread.

    first, i've already thanked Alan, and since he is an emotionless trading machine ( i don't have any motivation to try and get him to feel all warm and fuzzy :D

    second, i was amazed how much more focused i became after just one trial of acrary's suggestion. he cautions that if you do write down busy-body stuff that might otherwise clog your trading mind, make sure you eventually get to the list. otherwise your brain will call BS and flood you with all the same crap, but heavier. very true.

    third, i have developed a simple method that works for me (though i am always willing to tweak it and experiment with it):
    1. do a brain dump into the main Junk Journal - anything that comes up i shove it off onto paper

    2. weed the list - anything that is a 'do' (email so and so, check on prices to have carpet cleaned, replace blinker fuse in van, etc) goes into a teeny little notepad, i call the Shit List. then i mark it off the journal page.

    3. then i look at the rest of the items - if it is something that is beyond my control, i highlight it and acknowledge i can not control it.

    4. then i crumple up the page and throw it away

    POOF! junk free brain.

    then, of course, i have to populate it with new and cool stuff like trading stuff. but since it's so clean and spring-fresh in there, the useful ideas, thoughts, goals, etc have plenty of room to nestle in, get comfy, and start to expand. oh, and if i don't actively fill it with purposeful stuff ... well, this lump of mush starts seeking out random stuff and we are back to square one.

    then, later that day or whenever, i can go back to the Shit List and deal with that junk. more stuff gets done in less time and i'm a lot less distracted when the trading day begins.

    i sincerely hope this helps anyone who might be struggling with the intense focus trading CAN require (not all trading styles require it, i know). again, this is how i have applied acrary's suggestion, so it will probably be different for different people.

    and just to make even more convenient, here's alan's post:

    take care and gtty -

    #58     Sep 20, 2005
  9. Cheese


    The old fashioned 'To Do' list.
    Some do them intra-day, daily, every few days, weekly or monthly etc.. must be part of the rise of civilization or if not, then in vogue since pencil and paper were invented.
    #59     Sep 20, 2005
  10. Omni, the entire post was great. this part is especially true.

    I find my biggest distractiuons when I sit down or lose concentration after a bad trade are:

    Instant messenger: Shut the shit off as soon as you get to your computer in the morning. I have idiot friends who have the tendency to IM me their last nights details right at 9:31 AM.

    Even after, it is a distraction. If you use it for trading reasons, set up a separate account so you dont get girlfriends or friends bothering you at the worst times.

    Only check e:mail during the chop hours 11:30-1:00(when I stay away). Doing fun stuff will often keep me from taking bad trades out of boredom in choppy times.

    Use the lunchtime hours to fix your fantasy teams, check the world news, etc. Stick to this, b/c I find it hard to do.
    #60     Sep 20, 2005