Traders from RUSSIA...wake up

Discussion in 'Hook Up' started by Skywalker, Oct 25, 2005.

  1. I woke up this morning and watched the Russian News (I own a lot of shares in Rosneft) lo and behold ANOTHER RUSSIAN BANKER GUNNED DOWN!
    That place is worse than Canada!
    #131     Oct 11, 2006

  2. WTF did Canada do to you, just leave us out of your twisted little thread , there are way more people getting gunned down in other countries than in Canada.

    Although we do have more people die from walking the plank than most countries, consider yourself warned.
    #132     Oct 11, 2006
  3. Needs no more explanation does it? A Canadian Speaks!
    Perhaps I was wrong Canada and Russia may be on the same level of sad and dangerous places. Isn't cannabis Canada's biggest export to the U.S.A.?
    #133     Oct 11, 2006
  4. the sex slave trade is alive right here in the u.s. american males go to asia to screw underage girls and boys. the six year-old asian girls are told to "yum yum", meaning give head to the american males. america is great, but america also has it's warts along with all the other countries. and not much symphaty for humanity when you can bang a six year old.
    #134     Oct 13, 2006

  5. Haha, ya I am sure weed is Canada's biggest export to the U.S. , and in exchange the americans pay with automatic and semi automatic guns. Your retarded gun loving society breeds violent crime and it spills over the border, you are extremely wrong that Canada is more dangerous than the U.S.

    Keep your guns and your false views to yourselves.
    #135     Oct 13, 2006
  6. Assuming we indeed do "pay" for this "weed", you guys DO accept guns as payment rather than what the rest of the world accepts...namely..MONEY.
    Incidentally I am an Australian NOT an American however I have some sympathies for the U.S.A. they get alot of bad press because of the Republican paedophiles (Foley) extortion experts (Abramoff) corrupt politicians (DeLay) incompetant CEO's (Lay) etc.
    If memory serves me correct Douglas Worth, the notorious murderer was CANADIAN!

    (Just wondering, where did all the Russians go?)
    #136     Oct 14, 2006
  7. I would have thought the gunning down of a banker was a positive. Not as positive as taking out a few lawyers and maybe the odd SUV driver but still a positive. U go guys :)
    #137     Oct 14, 2006
  8. As soon as they read that post above about banging 6 years olds
    in Asia, they took the next airplane so they could get in on the action...:p
    #138     Oct 14, 2006