traderking007 get out your negativity thread!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by traderking007, Sep 11, 2020.

  1. not sure why the same people on this site are always constantly trying to ruin possible good threads. I implore you to just come here and be negative all you want. if somehow it make you feel better to just be an asshole or try and be negative then maybe just find your spot on this site like right here and just let it blast.

    It is amazing to me the negativity on the site actually toxic
 and Onra like this.
  2. destriero


    Because you're literally the poster boy and a PSA for flood control. You're cognitively deficient and post your fictional fills on unrelated threads. Yeah, it's a problem.
  3. lol i went to first unread!
  4. maxinger


    Bye bye.

    We wouldn't miss u.
    We wouldn't miss your negative attitude.
    You have been very unappreciative

    All the best to u mister

    Anyway I guess u will create a new thread soon.
    But you need to control your temper.
    Hot temper is no good for trading

    The reason why you lost money in trading is that you have too much negative emotions.
    So learn to be positive and appreciative and kind
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2020
    stochastix, SimpleMeLike and smallfil like this.
  5. Cuddles


    Has he found the edit button yet?
  6. Turveyd


    Think he had a big down day and losing the plot, we've all been there, so try to be patient and understanding or not your call!
  7. Post at 4:53
    Reply not even three minutes later:
    lol, @destriero wtf? Really curious why you had a negative knee-jerk reaction over there.
    smallfil likes this.
  8. destriero


    Excuse me, WTF are you?

    Do I strike you as a guy who posts 20 posts an hour with scratch, fictional fills in unrelated threads?
  9. lol, he blocked me. Nah, just strikes me as someone negative. Which is the point of this thread. :D
    smallfil likes this.